Creativity talk mindmap

on March 30, 2011 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Tips

I’ve written about mindmaps recently and my upcoming creativity talk on April 10. I thought I’d share the draft mindmap I’ve prepared so far for the talk. Freemind lets me export to a flash-based mindmap that you can navigate. You can’t edit it or see how I edit it to see how fun, useful, and effective it is, but you can see the output. It’s an incomplete draft — too[…] Keep reading →

Another way to decrease stress, part II

on March 28, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

This morning put me on the receiving end of someone treating me well in what otherwise would have been a difficult situation, revealing why the advice from my first “How do you decrease stress?” post works so well for me. I mis-timed an appointment. I spoke to the guy I was meeting about ten minutes after it was supposed to have started and arrived twenty minutes after that. He was[…] Keep reading →

My April creativity talk at Fred in Brooklyn

on March 27, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Education

I’m speaking on creativity at the next Fred Talk, April 10. Please come! A longtime friend emailed me after she went to the last one (I was out of town) telling me my talk was announced. Fred talks are do-it-yourself Ted talks with the slogan “Your friends’ ideas worth spreading.” Who says you need some huge conference for thousands of people that costs lots of money? You probably learned more[…] Keep reading →

Awesome software to help you think

on March 26, 2011 in Blog, Creativity, Tips

Mindmaps and mindmapping software are awesome! I rarely like using computers for what I can use paper and pencil, but mindmaps and mindmapping software help organize complex ideas better. They’re simple, effective, and, best of all, fun. I can only speak for the software I use, Freemind. Besides basic mindmapping functionality, it has some bells and whistles but I haven’t used them yet. It’s also free software that runs on[…] Keep reading →

One way not to be manipulated

on March 22, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Tips

If you know what you love and you do things you love, you may not be able to succeed by other people’s measures of success, but you’ll know you’ll never look back at what you did with regret. It’s difficult to imagine looking back and saying, “Darn, while everyone else was [doing whatever they do], I wasted all that time doing things I loved.” If you don’t know what you[…] Keep reading →

My New York Academy of Sciences Seminar

on March 18, 2011 in Blog, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Evolutionary Psychology, Freedom, Tips

April 5 and 7, 6-10pm at the New York Academy of Sciences I will be giving my seminar on Leadership and Personal Success — the best seminar you’ll ever attend. It’s similar to the leadership seminar at Columbia Business School in December, but more science-y and less business-y. Here’s the background from the NYAS web page (where you can register): Leadership and personal success through self-awareness and emotional intelligence are[…] Keep reading →

Systematic creativity resources

on March 17, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Tips

[This post is part of a series on creativity. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] I haven’t gone into any detail about Altshuller’s 40 principles. The main reason is I found that others already have and did a great job, so I’ll just link to them. The other reason[…] Keep reading →

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