Make painful emotions useful

on November 27, 2011 in Blog, Fitness

I’m not a fan of putting positive spins on things. You can’t call something positive without calling something else negative. Calling some emotions negative makes some people want to shun them and act like they don’t have them. How many times have you seen someone obviously angry or enraged, saying through gritted teeth and clenched jaws, “I’m not angry,” in blatant denial of their emotions? They confuse how an emotion[…] Keep reading →

Audio interview: best part of visiting North Korea?

on November 21, 2011 in Audio, Blog, Freedom, NorthKorea

In today’s interview, my business partner, Christina Black, asked me my best part of visiting North Korea. Small interface: [audio:] Large interface:[videofile][/videofile] — EDIT: I included much of this post and this series on strategy (edited and polished) in my ebook, Understanding North Korea: Demystifying the World’s Most Misunderstood Country. I wrote the book to help increase understanding, communication, and freedom.

The Method: summary of preparation (with diagram)

on November 2, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom, Leadership

EDIT: I modified how I present the Method slightly. Please see the new version of this page and the updated series on implementing the Method. We’ve now covered the examples and preparation stages of how to implement the Method. Here is a diagram summarizing these steps (click it for full size) Preparation Know your emotional system Understand your current emotional cycles Awareness Conceive of consistent environments, beliefs, and behaviors Implement[…] Keep reading →

Audio interview: ultimate frisbee in Pyongyang, North Korea

on October 31, 2011 in Audio, Blog, Fitness, Freedom, Humor, NorthKorea

On Sunday, September 4, 2011, I played in the first ever ultimate Frisbee games and tournament in North Korea in Pyongyang. North Korea is as much a frontier to Americans as any place on Earth today. I believe like ping-pong diplomacy opened China before Nixon did, so will ultimate play a greater role in normalizing relations with North Korea than any traditional diplomacy. This interview talks about the emotions involved[…] Keep reading →

Reminder: My next leadership seminar: This weekend at the New School

on October 31, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Leadership

  This weekend! LEADERSHIP THROUGH SELF-AWARENESS AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE In a two-day seminar, learn how to develop your personal leadership skills, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence by utilizing the latest advances in cognitive behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and positive psychology. The course is open to all area leaders, b-school students, alumni, and colleagues. Below are the dates of the courses and a link that you can follow to sign up. If[…] Keep reading →

North Korean propaganda and our advertising, part 4

on October 30, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Some more comments on the lack of advertising in North Korea… The country has almost no advertising. You can drive for hours without seeing any billboards. What do you see instead? Green hills, mountains, streams, lakes, people working and walking from place to place. I found the countryside beautiful, if I didn’t pay attention the dilapidated buildings and roads. The country, of course, has problems, as the sources in my[…] Keep reading →

Reminder: My next two leadership seminars: October 23,30 and November 5,6 at the New School

on October 17, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Leadership

  The next one is this weekend! LEADERSHIP THROUGH SELF-AWARENESS AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE In a two-day seminar, learn how to develop your personal leadership skills, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence by utilizing the latest advances in cognitive behavioral science, evolutionary psychology, and positive psychology. The course is open to all area business school students, alumni, and colleagues. In the past the seminars have sold out quickly, as such we are currently[…] Keep reading →

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