My experience doing yesterday’s exercise and what it means to you

on March 31, 2013 in Awareness, Exercises, Models, Tips

[This post is part of a series on “Mental models and beliefs: an exercise to identify yours.” If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Since my results surprised me, I bet your results will surprise you when you do yesterday’s exercise to record your beliefs (aka mental models or just[…] Keep reading →

More on John Wooden

on March 23, 2013 in Blog, Education, Fitness, Leadership

I found a couple more videos on John Wooden, whom I wrote about yesterday. First, some thoughts on him by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, one of the top players of all time. He is the NBA’s all-time leading scorer, with 38,387 points. During his career with the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers from 1969 to 1989, Abdul-Jabbar won six NBA championships and a record six regular season MVP Awards. In[…] Keep reading →

Paper shredders and making changing beliefs and values easier

on March 15, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

People tell me it’s hard to change beliefs and values. Some people think it’s impossible. I agree if they believe it’s hard, but you can and it gets easier with practice. Most people change their beliefs and values all the time without realizing it. One goal for this page is to help people learn to change their beliefs more easily so I try to give examples of how you already[…] Keep reading →

Redefining possibility again

on March 8, 2013 in Blog, Fitness

Are you younger than 89? Can I ask you to think critically. Forget for a moment about logistics and if you have the time or interest to do it. Just ask yourself if you think it’s possible. Do you think you could finish a marathon? Do you think it’s possible? Many people I ask consider their finishing a marathon impossible. Not difficult but impossible. They explain why and their reasons[…] Keep reading →

Video: Interviewing Joseph of the American in North Korea blog

on March 6, 2013 in NorthKorea

Today’s video is of Joseph, who publishes the famous American in North Korea blog, which has some of the most amazing pictures and commentary of North Korea around. That blog makes him a celebrity among foreigners in North Korea because many times we crossed paths with other foreigners, someone from the group would come up and ask him “Are you the American in North Korea?” He was also one of[…] Keep reading →

Personal development and achievement

on March 5, 2013 in Blog, Freedom

What are your goals? People ask that a lot, especially in personal development. I’m going to point something out you might not realize. People usually talk about goals as external — to get a promotion, to earn a certain amount of money, to marry a spouse with certain properties… stuff like that. People who take my seminar see what I put as the farthest stage I see myself reaching is[…] Keep reading →

Video: Surrounded by North Korean soldiers and flowers

on March 5, 2013 in Nature, NorthKorea

Visiting a flower show in North Korea led to being in a building overflowing with North Korean soldiers (including, as a group of guys will notice, cute female ones), and flowers. They named some types after their leaders, so they have a lot of Kimilsungia and Kimjongilia, which they arrange into shapes of North Korea around small models of important places, like where Kim Il Sung was born and such.[…] Keep reading →

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