Search Results for: burpees

Year 14!, day 1, daily burpees

on December 22, 2024 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I started doing burpees on this day in 2011. I haven’t missed a day since. I’ve done them daily over 22 percent of my life. By my spreadsheet, I’ve done just over 241,000 so should reach a quarter million in 2025. The point isn’t the numbers, though, nor the fitness, though I like my pulse being nearly off the charts low for men my age. The simplest way to put[…] Keep reading →

Year 13, day 1 of daily burpees

on December 22, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I started doing ten burpees a day today in 2011 and never stopped. On the contrary, I added more reps, weights, cardio, stretching, and more, which isn’t hard when you keep at it for over a decade. Most days I do fifty-four burpees. For details, here’s my list of all My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences. One of my favorite parts is walking past gyms that cost $235 per[…] Keep reading →

Beginning month 8 off the grid and *coincidence* year 12 of daily burpees.

on December 22, 2022 in Habits, Leadership, Nature, SIDCHAs

Today begins month 8 of my apartment disconnected from the electric grid. I’d wondered what I’d do as the weather got colder and days shortened. Now I passed the winter solstice so days will lengthen. The weather will still cool for another few weeks, but I may have passed the hardest part. It occurred to me I might just have to keep going for the year. We’ll see. It can[…] Keep reading →

200,000 burpees

on October 30, 2022 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

It’s easy to track how many burpees I do as part of my twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. I know how many I do per day and I don’t miss days, so I just update the date in my spreadsheet and it tells me. More accurately, the spreadsheet tells me a minimum since now and then I do burpees for other reasons, but I haven’t missed and, so I’ve done more than[…] Keep reading →

530: Cassiano Laureano, part 2: Burpees for the body, banzai tree for the heart and mind

on November 16, 2021 in Podcast

Cassiano’s first episode led to more listener comments than most. People loved his enthusiasm. I find guys who know martial arts tend to speak with a security. The opposite of insecure or desperate. So I think people found him accessible and engaging. I think you’ll find him more so this episode. Of course, we talk a bit about his world record for burpees. As you can tell from this episode’s[…] Keep reading →

530: Cassiano Laureano, part 2: Burpees for the body, bonzai tree for the heart and mind

on November 16, 2021 in Podcast

Cassiano’s first episode led to more listener comments than most. People loved his enthusiasm. I find guys who know martial arts tend to speak with a security. The opposite of insecure or desperate. So I think people found him accessible and engaging. I think you’ll find him more so this episode. Of course, we talk a bit about his world record for burpees. As you can tell from this episode’s[…] Keep reading →

502: Cassiano Laureano, part 1: The world record for most burpees in an hour

on August 30, 2021 in Podcast

When I read about Cassiano setting the world record for most burpees in an hour–951—I knew I had to meet him. Though I’ve maxed out at a mere 370 in a day, I did most of them in under three hours. Still dramatically slower than Cassiano, but I’ve kept my streak unbroken for about ten years. I had to learn his motivation, his obstacles, how he overcame the obstacles, his[…] Keep reading →

502: Cassiano Laureano, part 1: The world record for most burpees in an hour

on August 30, 2021 in Podcast

When I read about Cassiano setting the world record for most burpees in an hour–951—I knew I had to meet him. Though I’ve maxed out at a mere 370 in a day, I did most of them in under three hours. Still dramatically slower than Cassiano, but I’ve kept my streak unbroken for about ten years. I had to learn his motivation, his obstacles, how he overcame the obstacles, his[…] Keep reading →

Food poisoning and burpees nearly as hard as after a marathon

on August 5, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Meeting myself as I did yesterday and today happens once every couple of years. It turns out the wild blueberries I thought I was picking were black nightshade. Black nightshade apparently comes in edible and toxic varieties and I seem to have eaten the toxic kind. First things first. If you see these adorable looking berries, I recommend thinking twice. It was hard for me to type the word adorable[…] Keep reading →

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