Search Results for: creativity

169: Srini Rao: Surfing and Creativity

on April 17, 2019 in Podcast

Srini has run his podcast over 10 years, written several books, hundreds of articles, interviewing hundreds of researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, me, and more. His business is helping people develop themselves — to dream, to play, to create, to go on adventures, to find your path. In this conversation we talk about his development and how he got to help others. It’s more on the leadership development end of the Leadership[…] Keep reading →

169: Srini Rao: Surfing and Creativity (transcript)

on April 17, 2019 in Podcast

Srini has run his podcast over 10 years. He’s written three books, hundreds of articles, interviewing hundreds of researchers, entrepreneurs, artists and more, plus me. His business is helping people develop themselves to dream, to play, to create, to go on adventures, to find their paths. In this conversation we talked about his development and how he got to help others so it’s more on the leadership development end of[…] Keep reading →

169: Srini Rao: Surfing and Creativity

on April 17, 2019 in Podcast

Srini has run his podcast over 10 years, written several books, hundreds of articles, interviewing hundreds of researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, me, and more. His business is helping people develop themselves — to dream, to play, to create, to go on adventures, to find your path. In this conversation we talk about his development and how he got to help others. It’s more on the leadership development end of the Leadership[…] Keep reading →

Like creativity? Like technology? In NYC? … Come to Creative Tech Week this weekend!

on April 27, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Events

Creative Technology is transforming culture, design, and art with software, electronics and data. We are creating the premier nexus for creativity and technology worldwide. 9 Days, 100+ Events, 200+ Speakers, 200+ Partners, 25k+ Attendees. Creative Tech Week is a city-wide event week, with events going on in many different locations. Some are free, while others require a CTW Pass, and then others require additional registration or additional tickets. It’s organized[…] Keep reading → Today: This Insidious (and Subtle) Innovation Myth is Killing Your Creativity

on March 4, 2016 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Models

My post today on, “This Insidious (and Subtle) Innovation Myth is Killing Your Creativity,” begins: This Insidious (and Subtle) Innovation Myth is Killing Your Creativity This specious myth is so commonly held enough that few challenge it. Yet overcoming it is easy and rewarding. Thomas Edison was an outlier. For someone to invent so many products and succeed with so many, even accounting for his failures, just doesn’t happen,[…] Keep reading →

Creativity — The Series

on March 30, 2014 in Creativity, Education

Do you like creative things and being creative? Read my series on creativity. I just posted it as a series. Click here to read it. You can become more creative.

Creativity — The Series

on March 30, 2014 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Tips

The series of posts below covers creativity, mainly exploring counterproductive mainstream myths about it. I used to view “creativity” as vague, but a few sources dramatically and convincingly changed my perspective. One was a class at Columbia Business School called Systematic Creativity in Business, by Jacob Goldenberg. Creativity being systematic was designed to appear in the course name as a contradiction, but isn’t when you understand the material. His book[…] Keep reading →

How experience often beats creativity, originality, and intelligence

on July 25, 2013 in Blog, Creativity

Yesterday I wrote about being called intelligent or smart and the sometimes downsides associated with it. I found that while society seems to value intelligence, on a personal level people value getting the job done, relationship skills, experience, people’s networks, and other things, at least in leadership and decision-making roles. For a few roles that don’t require teamwork people value intelligence, but they aren’t that common in professional environments. What[…] Keep reading →

Video on creativity

on June 15, 2013 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Tips

I’ve written a lot on creativity and when I do I often mention the professor whose class on creativity I took, Jacob Goldenberg. He recently gave an online talk with Columbia Business School about his research. If you like creativity, learning some unexpected properties of it, and improving your creativity, I recommend it. It’s not as polished as a TED talk, but as informative. Here it is: video platformvideo managementvideo[…] Keep reading →

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