Search Results for: meditation

Meditation: Thoughts aren’t just ideas that arise and pass away. Each wants to hook you.

on November 27, 2022 in Awareness, Exercises, Freedom, Perception

Meditation instructors often talk about thoughts arising and passing away in consciousness, as if they just come out of nowhere and go to nowhere. I’ve found otherwise. No part of your mind is superfluous. The human brain uses up too much energy for evolution to allow unnecessary parts to persist. Each part does something that helped your ancestors survive and pass their genes on to you. For example, some part[…] Keep reading →

The text from episode 630: Simplifying Meditation Words and Meaning

on September 19, 2022 in Podcast

The notes I read episode 630: Simplifying Meditation Words and Meaning from were long, so instead of including them in the podcast notes, I’m posting them separately here. Longtime listeners know I meditate regularly, now 25 minutes every other day. I started in 2007 with a ten-day vipassana retreat and have done a few ten-days, plus some 5-days and 3-days. Mostly I pay attention to my breath or do body[…] Keep reading →

630: Simplifying Meditation Words and Meaning

on September 19, 2022 in Podcast

The notes I read for this episode were long, so instead of including them in the podcast notes, I posted them as a separate blog post. My book: Leadership Step by Step The Science article I mentioned: Limits to economic growth The article showing humans lived to a modal age of 72: Longevity Among Hunter- Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning Wikipedia page The Calvin and[…] Keep reading →

630: Simplifying Meditation Words and Meaning

on September 19, 2022 in Podcast

The notes I read for this episode were long, so instead of including them in the podcast notes, I posted them as a separate blog post.

3 Meditation Updates

on March 11, 2021 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits

About ten months in to meditating 20 minutes two days out of my five-day exercise cycle, a few updates. I last updated in November on my full lotus pose. Practice is making it more comfortable. Here’s my post with the video of me in the pose. You may have noticed my sitting on a folded towel on a folded sheet. Here’s me, about to sit on the folded towel on[…] Keep reading →

LeBron, Michael, and meditation

on July 28, 2018 in Awareness, Fitness

I did a three-day meditation retreat last month, meaning nearly no talking, reading, writing, internet, phone, etc for three days. The basic unit of meditation there is one hour sitting still, which we do 6 or 7 times a day while there. Barely moving for one hour, focusing my mind is hard, though I’m more skilled at it than ever, which is why I go to the retreat sometimes. It’s[…] Keep reading →

How meditation helps

on March 24, 2014 in Awareness, Leadership

Interruptions distract you from your thoughts. How often you get interrupted determines how complex and developed your thoughts can be. If someone interrupts you every five seconds it’s hard to think thoughts that take more than five minutes to develop. Someone interrupting you every ten minutes would let you develop more complex, longer-term thoughts. If you can only think short-term, you can only see short-term trends in your life, you[…] Keep reading →

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