Search Results for: sledding

My Sledding Hill, August 2023

on September 18, 2023 in Nature

Since my TEDx talk in which I begin by talking about growing up near the best sledding hill in the world, each time I visit Philadelphia, I make a point of visiting it and taking pictures of it during different seasons. Maybe it just looks like any other park to everyone else, but it’s incredibly beautiful to me. Near my mom’s house in the “ghetto,” as a neighbor described it,[…] Keep reading →

Spring 2023 pictures of my sledding hill

on May 20, 2023 in Nature

I visited Philadelphia this weekend and took spring pictures of my sledding hill in a light drizzle. I recommend scrolling through the slide show, clicking on the arrow, since it’s like an animation. I took a picture, walked a few yards, took the next picture, and so on. Scroll down for the images laid out and the video of my TEDx talk that refers to it. I hope you don’t[…] Keep reading →

My sledding hill in May

on May 16, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

I rode my bike from New York to Philadelphia over the weekend (day 1, day 2) and visited my sledding hill this morning. Before the pictures below, you can click to compare Tommy’s Hill in March, less verdant. Here’s a video from last November: My sledding hill in May And below is my sledding hill in May. You’ll notice I couldn’t reach the creek at the bottom as it was[…] Keep reading →

My sledding hill in March

on March 19, 2022 in Nature, Visualization

I visited home in Philadelphia this weekend and stopped by my sledding hill, also known as Tommy’s Hill. I made a video last time. This time I’ll just show pictures for quick scanning with commentary in the comments. First the most jarring image as a preview, can you see the “word” McDelivery? Someone had McDonald’s delivered, then littered the packaging. Consider getting McDonald’s delivered. What rock bottom of self-respect has[…] Keep reading →

535: The best sledding hill in the world, Tommy’s Hill in Philadelphia (from my third TEDx talk)

on November 28, 2021 in Podcast

NOTE: I recommend watching the video of this episode, not just listening to the audio. What does the environment mean to you? We are motivated by what’s in our hearts more than facts or numbers so I believe we will act more when we connect with what’s in our hearts, which inspires us. The fastest, most effective way to influence governments and corporations is to act ourselves here and now,[…] Keep reading →

535: The best sledding hill in the world, Tommy’s Hill in Philadelphia (from my third TEDx talk)

on November 28, 2021 in Podcast

NOTE: I recommend watching the video of this episode, not just listening to the audio. What does the environment mean to you? We are motivated by what’s in our hearts more than facts or numbers so I believe we will act more when we connect with what’s in our hearts, which inspires us. The fastest, most effective way to influence governments and corporations is to act ourselves here and now,[…] Keep reading →

Pleasantly surprised by my own success: People choosing to avoid flying for their own reasons

on December 18, 2023 in Awareness, Freedom

For some time I’ve been saying, half-jokingly, to people who start showing an interest in more sustainability with me: “Be careful spending time with me or you may find yourself avoiding flying and telling me how much it improves your life not to fly.” I don’t want to overstate things since only a few people have said it so far, but increasingly people are saying just that sentiment to me.[…] Keep reading →

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