This week’s selected media: January 28, 2024: Superabundance, The Population Bomb, War Is a Racket, Finding the Mother Tree, Gandhi. Wow, a lot in a week!

on January 28, 2024 in Tips

This week was overcast and rainy nearly every day. I barely caught rays so had to ration electric power, meaning a lot of reading and listening to books on my phone, which uses less power. I’m writing this post fast since it’s raining again and barely have power left. I finished this week: Superabundance by Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley for the Cato Institute: I knew the premise of the[…] Keep reading →

Trying to lead an addict to admit their addiction or that they are hurting others (or themselves) is like trying to catch a fish with your bare hand.

on January 27, 2024 in Addiction

I spoke recently with a guy who went through Alcoholics Anonymous. I tried to show him that we are addicted to behaviors that pollute and deplete. He agreed with that assessment. He agreed he was once addicted to alcohol, but he wouldn’t acknowledge that he was experiencing addiction with his polluting, depleting behaviors. To clarify, he didn’t disagree with anything. He just wouldn’t acknowledge he was addicted today. He acknowledged[…] Keep reading →

*Sigh* More Christmas Pagan Trees being thrown away. Wasn’t a month of trashing them enough?

on January 26, 2024 in Habits, Nature

How’s this Christmas Pagan Tree next to a portable toilet? What better way to show you love your messiah and savior than putting the remembrance of his birth by a box of shit? . . . or we could leave the trees in the ground and celebrate with life instead of death. More than a month since Christmas isn’t enough time for all the trees to be trashed, there are[…] Keep reading →

Milestones from a culture of freedom and equality to one almost entirely subjugated by dominance hierarchy

on January 26, 2024 in Freedom

The more history and anthropology I learn, the more I learn the alternative to continuing our cultural path is not the Stone Age or a Mad Max apocalypse. For a good 250,000 years of human existence, our ancestors enjoyed more freedom and equality than we do. That’s why indigenous cultures still exist. When they look at ours, they see our airplanes and medicine but also our lack of freedom and[…] Keep reading →

A month after Christmas and still dumping Christmas Pagan trees. Who needs trees? Why not chop them down and send them to landfills?

on January 25, 2024 in Blog

I don’t go out of my way to take these pictures. I just take them while walking along, doing my regular business. Each picture takes a second or two to take, so maybe a few minutes collectively for all the pictures I’ve taken this season. That’s how much we fill our world with garbage, or rather turn lovely trees into waste. Meanwhile, about 98 percent of old-growth forests are gone.

744: Stephen Broyles, part 1: What Is Social Work and How Does It Relate to Leadership and Action?

on January 24, 2024 in Podcast

Regular listeners and readers of my blog will know my sustainability leadership workshops and one of the participants of the first, Evelyn (she’s in the video on that link). After being the teaching assistant for a couple cohorts, she is leading this winter’s session. Often when I talked to her about leadership, she would comment, “We do that in social work too, but we call it” . . . and[…] Keep reading →

Year 14, day 2 posting here daily

on January 24, 2024 in Habits, SIDCHAs

Since my friend’s fateful words when he set up my blog here when I asked, how often do you post and he said: Every day. If you miss one day you can miss two. If you miss two it’s all over. I’ve posted every day since January 22, 2011. It became my first sidcha and helped me establish the concept. It’s easier to write every day than to worry about[…] Keep reading →

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