What do you think of this person’s flying habits? (part 2)

on November 8, 2023 in Addiction, Habits

I’ve been copying the travel comments from the newsletters from a friend into a file. I edited out people’s names and put in bold the names of places, but otherwise it’s as she wrote it What do you think about this lifestyle? I think I once would have aspired to live this way. Even if I didn’t want to fly this much when I flew, I think I would have[…] Keep reading →

730: Tony Hansen, part 1 : McKinsey’s Director of Natural Capital and Nature

on November 7, 2023 in Podcast

Most of the partners I know at the top tier consulting firms have worked there since business school. Tony has a different background, as he describes at the beginning. Because the Firm influences people at high levels of business and government, therefore potentially able to help change culture, I’m very interested in working with them. They are as prone to inertia as any other group, so I’m curious how much[…] Keep reading →

Today’s Environmentalists in a Nutshell and Why They Fail

on November 6, 2023 in Blog

Here’s what most environmentalists amount to (I’d love meaningful counterexamples): One heroin user telling another to stop using heroin while not stopping him or herself. One cigarette smoker telling another to stop smoking while not stopping him or herself. One gambler telling another to stop gambling while not stopping him or herself. You get the idea: one addict telling another to stop while not stopping him or herself. It doesn’t[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: November 5, 2023: “Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom” and “Climate Change and the Course of Global History”

on November 5, 2023 in Tips

Why have I not posted about finishing any readings for three weeks? Because the book on Frederick Douglass is 800 pages, or 36 hours by audio. It’s worth it. It’s a masterpiece about a person who would inspire at any time in history, and now more than ever. This week I finished: Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, by David W. Blight: Podcast guest David Blight won the Pulitzer prize for[…] Keep reading →

729: How to Develop a Sustainability Leadership Culture in Your Organization: a Panel I moderated

on November 4, 2023 in Podcast

If no one is changing culture in your world, it’s your opportunity to fill the leadership vacuum, no matter where you are in your organization or communities. Many companies are making strides toward goals for greening their businesses but need to find ways to maintain the momentum now that they have tackled the easiest challenges. Others are about to embark on their sustainability journeys and seek a roadmap and best[…] Keep reading →

Why are we so myopic about politics?

on November 3, 2023 in Blog

We’ve been human for maybe 300,000 years. For most of that time our ancestors hunted and gathered in small groups. You might think that means they didn’t practice politics since they didn’t have governments with three branches and giant domed buildings on hills with highly-paid lobbyists trying to influence them. If you understand politics to mean group decision-making in general, they were likely more political in that in hunter-gatherers today,[…] Keep reading →

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