I hear young people seethe with rage at old people, especially boomers

on November 14, 2023 in Leadership

I hear young people furious at Boomers in particular, but old people in general, for causing a problem, then abdicating responsibility on acting, instead saying “I am encouraged by young people acting.” What jerks! Act yourself! Stop capitulating and continuing your insouciant damaging. You have more assets, connections, resources, and what it takes to accomplish things. Not acting personally but teaching young people just teaches them not to act and[…] Keep reading →

Images that changed how we see the world and ourselves. Images that will change us more.

on November 13, 2023 in Nature, Visualization

Before I was born, the image of Earth from space changed not just a generation, but forever how humans saw the Earth and ourselves. It’s hard for me to imagine how seeing that image affected people seeing it for the first time. Here’s one: Here’s another: Projected images after sea-level rise Can you imagine how we’ll feel about the Earth and ourselves after more sea-level rise? I’m sure you’ve seen[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: November 12, 2023: Pimpernel Smith, (1941)

on November 12, 2023 in Art, Tips

I watched this week: Pimpernel Smith, directed by, produced by, and starring Leslie Howard: Since learning more about Raoul Wallenberg, I wanted to see this movie that inspired him. I watched it twice. The first time it just seemed dated and I didn’t think much of it. The second time I caught more nuance. The closing speech resonated with my view of dominance hierarchies like our polluting, depleting culture and[…] Keep reading →

Proslavery Thought in the Old South (1935) quotes, by William Sumner Jenkins

on November 11, 2023 in Freedom

Earlier this year I posted The Ruling Race: Quotes on those who improve their lives on the suffering of others, corrupting them, with quotes from podcast guest James Oakes’s book The Ruling Race, which describes the demographics, beliefs, and views of slaveholders in the U.S. south. They are no more or less human than you. That book reveals how being on the dominant side of a dominance hierarchy corrupts one’s[…] Keep reading →

“But if it doesn’t change the world it’s not worth doing” Hogwash.

on November 10, 2023 in Blog

If you think anything anyone does has to scale to solve problems globally, you’re lying to yourself. I propose a couple more effective ways to approach what you do. One way: Imagine that no matter what, nothing you do will influence anyone else. Now what should you do? A second way: How does this view make any less sense? “I had a dream I was in 1850 Alabama owning slaves.[…] Keep reading →

When people mean when they say “you have to make sustainability easy for people.”

on November 9, 2023 in Leadership

Talk about acting more sustainably and people act like it’s hard. When they say “you have to make it easy for people,” they mean you have to make it easy for them. They’re saying that they won’t change, but hiding their intent, acting like they’re just doing what everyone else does. And if all you do is make it easier, it will never be easy enough for them. If you’re[…] Keep reading →

What do you think of this person’s flying habits? (part 3)

on November 8, 2023 in Addiction, Habits

I’ve been copying the travel comments from the newsletters from a friend into a file. I edited out people’s names and put in bold the names of places, but otherwise it’s as he wrote it. What do you think about this lifestyle? I think I once would have aspired to live this way. Even if I didn’t want to fly this much when I flew, I think I would have[…] Keep reading →

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