767: Andrew Bennett, part 2: Behind the scenes with a New York City chef

on July 15, 2024 in Podcast

If you like food, you’ll love this episode. I shared before how unbelievably delicious Andrew’s food was, even if it were at a top restaurant. But he works at a hospital, so it was healthy too. I almost don’t go to restaurants any more since they just pile salt, sugar, and fat onto everything. I don’t need a stick of butter in every dish. I also tasted his food at[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, July 14, 2024: Make Your Bed, A course in packaging toxicity, The Dred Scott of Our Time, No god But God

on July 14, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World, by Admiral William H. McRaven: I saw the video of McRaven’s commencement speech to the University of Texas years ago. It resonated with me because My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences include waking up, making my bed, and crossing the room to turn off my alarm within sixty seconds. Also, I had[…] Keep reading →

Are environmentalists nearly all science deniers?

on July 13, 2024 in Education, Leadership, Nature

Environmentalists call people who disagree with them “science deniers” and “climate deniers.” They get annoyed when people presented with the science don’t change their behavior when science shows it’s creating undesired outcomes. Meanwhile, I see environmentalists use ineffective techniques to try to change others’ behavior. When their techniques don’t work, they don’t change their behavior to ways that work. The science is clear that their techniques don’t work, yet they[…] Keep reading →

766: Chip Conley, part 1: Learning to Love Midlife

on July 12, 2024 in Podcast

I’d heard about Chip long ago but only met him recently at a launch event for his book Learning to Love Midlife. It resonated since at 52 years old, I was smack in the middle of the part of life he was talking about, after adulthood but before old age. I’ve also been approached by universities with programs for people in their third acts. A big topic is finding and[…] Keep reading →

For every technology you think will help you, remember people who make you miserable will use it too

on July 11, 2024 in Nature

People keep asking how artificial intelligence (or blockchain, nuclear energy, fusion, or whatever the technology of the day) will help them. People think, “Oh, AI will help me do X or Y” where X and Y are things they want to do. Maybe in sustainability they’ll use it to make some process more efficient, thinking it will reduce energy use and therefore depletion. Well, everyone else will use that technology[…] Keep reading →

765: Bruce Alexander, part 2: Can the Spodek Method scale from the individual to the world?

on July 10, 2024 in Podcast

I think I can safely say Bruce and I have formed a friendship, both professional and from similar interests, even though he’s retired and I’m not a psychologist. I learn psychology to help lead. We’re both intrigued by addiction. We both want to improve our environmental situation, not just give in. He likes the idea of the Spodek Method. He hopes it works beyond just one person. He’s not sure[…] Keep reading →

The Village Sun profiled me and the Spodek Method

on July 10, 2024 in Stories

The Village Sun profiled me after seeing me charging my battery with solar panels a few months ago. The reporter, Otto Fritton, spent time talking and learning what I’m up to. I’m not doing it for myself or for pipe dreams. Check out the story: The Spodek Method: Saving the planet and ourselves by not harming others. It begins: Often humans struggle to understand their impact upon a larger humanity,[…] Keep reading →

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