Flying = Funding Lobbyists

on July 9, 2024 in Freedom

There’s no two ways about it: Flying = Funding Lobbyists Not just lobbyists, fossil fuel lobbyists. Flying lines their pockets, along with the pockets of executives and shareholders of the fossil fuel-extracting companies that own them. It’s 93F (34C) in Manhattan and not yet 11am. Congratulations to those who fly, buy plastic, and buy things needlessly shipped across oceans in container ships, like cars, fast fashion, and food that isn’t[…] Keep reading →

Addiction in Greenwich Village, Early Summer 2024

on July 8, 2024 in Addiction

Here is the greatest sign of addiction I commonly see, a disposable plastic cup from Starbucks, being thrown away, sweat still forming on the plastic from the ice not yet melted. Someone paid for oil to be extracted and ice formed in 90F (32.5C) weather just to throw it all away. Below are more addicts, although these ones are mostly only hurting themselves. Starbucks customers hurt humanity (and wildlife) more,[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, July 7, 2024: Not Just Bikes and Strong Towns course, Stolen Focus

on July 7, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: The joint course in urban planning between the video series Not Just Bikes (hosted by podcast guest Jason Slaughter) and Strong Towns: I can’t recommend Not Just Bikes or Strong Towns enough. If you live in an American city, know and act on these resources. The course comprised nine videos (I think I counted right) plus dozens of articles. They repeated a fair amount, but you’ll[…] Keep reading →

A Visual Representation of the Spodek Method in Venn Diagrams

on July 6, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Visualization

I can’t think of a message I received from environmentalists that suggested I would enjoy the experience of trying to live more sustainably. Every message from every source, including the most ardent environmentalists, told me living more sustainably meant giving something up. We had to worsen our lives to possibly help someone far away or in the future. A definite loss here and now for a possible gain sometime somewhere[…] Keep reading →

764: Erica Frank, part 2: “No Hairshirt At All.” Instead: Abundance

on July 5, 2024 in Podcast

I rarely get to talk to people who expect living more sustainably to be joyful and rewarding from personal experience, not just hoping for the best. I enjoyed sharing that perspective with Erica last time, I invited her back with no specific agenda. This episode presents conversation between two people who have left mainstream culture and are living more how many people agree we should, but hold themselves back. So[…] Keep reading →

Our culture: spring trash. Homeless don’t cause it as much as executives, elected officials, shareholders, and rich people

on July 4, 2024 in Addiction, Nature, Visualization

Litter isn’t a result of too little sanitation. It’s too much production and people still buying it. I’ve meant to post these pictures since I took them in the spring. I took them on a regular day. If you think cities mean more garbage, our per-capita environmental impact is less than Americans who live outside cities. If you think this garbage and treatment of public property is disgusting, as I[…] Keep reading →

Happy Independence Day, America. Let’s return to protecting life, liberty, and property and stop being imperialist

on July 4, 2024 in Blog

The number one topic of my book is freedom and liberty. In my view, science, technology, market reforms, and legislation follow from freedom and liberty. Without freedom and liberty, you can’t have the other things, but without them you can still have freedom and liberty. Pollution destroys life, liberty, and property. Our Constitution was built on a premise that a role of government is to protect life, liberty, and property.[…] Keep reading →

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