Category Archives: Blog

If you’re trying to solve a complex problem, write it down

on November 24, 2013 in Blog, Education, Tips

I coached a client recently who felt like she had a lot on her plate. She was trying to figure out plans for the next year, where many decisions depended on each other and she couldn’t figure out which to do first. When she explained them to me it seemed clear the order in which she had to do each, but she was swimming in so much information she couldn’t[…] Keep reading →

14 proven ways to make you and people around you miserable

on November 23, 2013 in Blog, Humor, Tips

Most of my posts try to present ways to create more happiness and emotional reward. For once I’ll write the opposite, from which one can learn just as much. In the list below the items seem to clearly hurt relationships and your mood. For some reason when people do these things on their own they act like they’re acting productively, like when they give people unsolicited advice, they genuinely seem[…] Keep reading →

Op/ed Fridays: A living death: laws that remove judges and juries undermine justice

on November 22, 2013 in Blog, Freedom, NorthKorea

Different people mean different things by the term justice. I think of the term having at least four meanings or purposes. To deter people from committing crimes To punish people who committed crimes To give crime victims a sense of retribution To keep criminals away from society if society expects them to commit crimes again These four purposes don’t always work in concert. In any case, the United States seems[…] Keep reading →

Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion, part 2

on November 21, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom, Nature

Yesterday I showed two models for introversion and extraversion. The model you believe filters how you see the world, which will influence your feelings and behavior. I found the following test to see if you’re introverted “or” extraverted from a book. You can see it’s based on an Or model, I believe designed to show empathy for people who consider themselves introverted. From the And model it’s almost painful to[…] Keep reading →

Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion, part 1

on November 20, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom, Models, Nature, Visualization

Here is a common belief for the relationships between introversion and extraversion. I’m going to show how it worsens your life and offer an alternative you will resist and fight against, but if you keep an open mind you’ll realize explains your world more effectively and helps you to improve your life. I call it the “Or” model of introversion and extraversion for reasons you’ll see below. It says that[…] Keep reading →

A thought-provoking essay on how we interact with our environment

on November 20, 2013 in Blog, Nature

I saw the following essay on the great geek forum Slashdot, a site that a decade ago published a story on the company I co-founded. The site isn’t as important as it once was, but it’s still big. I don’t know the real-world identity of the essay’s writer. I presume he or she wrote it quickly, not aiming for accuracy or to withstand heavy criticism, but to get people thinking.[…] Keep reading →

Undermining trust sucks

on November 19, 2013 in Blog

Doing business based on a handshake with someone you share mutual trust and working habits is such a joy. Working relationships like that rank with the best relationships you can have. Trust, as I don’t have to tell you, can take years to build but you can lose it in seconds, sometimes impossible to rebuild. Today I’m not going to talk about lessons. Only to commiserate on how awful doing[…] Keep reading →

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