Category Archives: Creativity

Creativity — The Series

on March 30, 2014 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Tips

The series of posts below covers creativity, mainly exploring counterproductive mainstream myths about it. I used to view “creativity” as vague, but a few sources dramatically and convincingly changed my perspective. One was a class at Columbia Business School called Systematic Creativity in Business, by Jacob Goldenberg. Creativity being systematic was designed to appear in the course name as a contradiction, but isn’t when you understand the material. His book[…] Keep reading →

See Coco & Breezy at NYU Monday!

on March 27, 2014 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Events

If you don’t know Coco & Breezy, they are two rising stars with their own fashion line. Check out their page here. They started their company in their teens, moving to New York City from Minneapolis and have been growing since. Here’s an overview from the event announcement for their engagement Monday at NYU: The Entrepreneurship Special Interest Housing Floor invite entrepreneurs and fashion-minded alike to attend an evening with[…] Keep reading →

A human perspective on quantum gravity

on March 19, 2014 in Creativity, Education, Nature

You’ve probably heard or read about the experimental discovery of gravity waves, a major and historic discovery in science with widespread implications, in the news lately. Understanding those implications is difficult. So is understanding the experiment. What’s not hard to understand is the effect of hearing about the experimental results on someone who does understand its meaning and who explored this part of nature for decades. This video shows the[…] Keep reading →

Meeting my fourth Nobel Prize winner

on March 8, 2014 in Creativity, Education

Sorry no big insight today, but I couldn’t help note that in attending a talk by Joseph Stiglitz and participating in the question and answer afterward, I got to interact with my fourth Nobel Prize winner. I met more of them when I studied physics, in particular studying with one. I also got to be friends with a Professor who had been hired by one of the other laureates in[…] Keep reading →

The value of entrepreneurial skills for artists and vice versa

on March 6, 2014 in Art, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Pyragraph Magazine just published a piece I wrote, “The Value of Entrepreneurial Skills for Artists,” on how I hustled (a term that for me in entrepreneurship means only positive things) my way into a prestigious teaching gig at NYU while creating a big public art work. I loved and benefited from each. Neither opportunity could stand on its own, but both together worked. And the city, the school, and the[…] Keep reading →

Show, don’t tell

on March 4, 2014 in Art, Creativity, Tips

I don’t often find myself at a loss for words, but my mind was racing too fast to pick anything to come out. I looked out the cafe window at the people bundled in their coats, Spring still weeks away. In front of an agent I had recently started working with on the early draft of a few chapters the book I’d hurried to finish in the last few days[…] Keep reading →

What you can learn from a film director

on February 27, 2014 in Art, Awareness, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Events, Leadership

The reason we on the Distinguished Leaders Committee of Columbia Business School’s alumni club booked a director for this evening’s talk was something one of last year’s speakers, Rita McGrath, said. If you’re near New York City, I recommend you come (click here for details of location and how to sign up, you don’t have to have graduated from Columbia to join). She pointed out that as people work at[…] Keep reading →

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