Category Archives: Creativity

Rejected lately (or ever) and looking for encouragement?

on June 3, 2014 in Art, Creativity

Don’t know who Mr. P. Hewson of Dublin, Ireland is? Read the following rejection letter to him and his band to see one of the great rejection letters of all time. (Hint: his band has sold over 150 million albums, the band won 22 Grammy awards, and Rolling Stone magazine ranked them in the top 25 greatest artists of all time). If you didn’t figure it out, RSO records summarily[…] Keep reading →

Visualizing reactivity and freedom, part 2: how to improve

on May 28, 2014 in Awareness, Creativity, Freedom, Nature, Tips

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, None but our self can free our mind. — Bob Marley, Redemption Song Context How do you move from living reactively, like in this graph, where you can’t help but react to any intense motivation: To living aware and non-reactively like this, where you are aware of many motivations but don’t feel compelled to react blindly to any? That change brings freedom. It comes from[…] Keep reading →

Visualizing reactivity and freedom, part 1

on May 27, 2014 in Creativity, Freedom, Models, Nature, Visualization

Think of a time you reacted blindly. Did it go well? How do you feel about leaders who react without thinking or intuition? You don’t want to react blindly—the opposite of leadership, since it means you’re reacting to someone else, or unpredictable events in your environment, which I call blowing in the breeze. Most people understand the term “reactive” vaguely, so they can’t do much about it. I find visualizing[…] Keep reading →

113,792 points in 2048 with the 8192 tile!

on May 24, 2014 in Creativity, Humor

After the game in the picture below I couldn’t help myself emailing a friend about it the following. I don’t know if I’m more proud or ashamed and if it’s from the high score or the poem. Look on my high score, ye mighty, and despair! You met a geek from an antique land Who emailed: “Sixteen small and colored numbered tiles Stand on my screen. Near them, on my[…] Keep reading →

How to win over a stadium of 20,000 angry African soccer fans

on April 22, 2014 in Creativity, Humor, Leadership

“You! You cannot do that here!” A voice in a stadium of 20,000 people told my friend he was breaking a rule. The man yelling pointed at my friend and sounded angry. A man next to the first saw what he was pointing at—my friend—and pointed and yelled he couldn’t do that here too. Then another, another, and another. Soon a whole section was pointing at him, angrily yelling at[…] Keep reading →

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

on April 18, 2014 in Art, Creativity

On a note of remembrance, many years ago, when I lived in Paris, my friend volunteered at the English Language Library for the Blind there. She told me they valued American accents in the readings there and asked if I would read a book for them. I agreed and decided on Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who died yesterday. The librarian suggested starting with a[…] Keep reading →

Creativity — The Series

on March 30, 2014 in Creativity, Education

Do you like creative things and being creative? Read my series on creativity. I just posted it as a series. Click here to read it. You can become more creative.

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