Category Archives: Education

A simple, effective student-made video showing the problems with mainstream education

on September 21, 2016 in Education

American education has become institutionalized to value credentials and scores on abstract tests unrelated to life activities that students and their families pursue meaningless goals instead of improving their lives. As a professor, I see college students packing their transcripts and resumes with tons of majors, extracurricular activities, sports, and other things without doing the work behind them that makes them valuable. They look great on paper, but are more[…] Keep reading →

How world leaders learn

on September 12, 2016 in Education, Leadership

I’m reading Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, which I find fascinating and highly recommend, even if you know a lot about him already. Teaching and coaching at NYU and Columbia, speaking at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, INSEAD, and so on, I see a lot of what many would consider the pinnacle of our educational system. Teaching a non-lecture-based non-test-based style shows me the flaws in this system, how much of it is designed[…] Keep reading →

Origins: of me and teaching leadership

on September 11, 2016 in Art, Awareness, Education, Freedom, Nonjudgment, Relationships, Visualization

My reasons for teaching leadership experientially today are mainly To enable people to create meaning, value, importance, purpose, and passion in their lives and in the lives of people around them Because the challenges the next several generations will face require changing behavior on a global scale, which are social and emotional challenges, not technical, and I hope to help create a community of people with the skills to overcome[…] Keep reading →

Take my Leadership Course this fall at NYU, Wednesdays starting September 21

on September 9, 2016 in Education, Events, Leadership

I am offering my leadership course at NYU this fall at NYU’s School of Professional Studies Wednesdays 6pm – 9pm September 21 – December 13 (12 sessions, no class Thanksgiving) Here is the syllabus Register here! Limited seats available (9 last I checked) Student reviews from my courses The course will show you why my courses get reviews like: Register here! Limited seats available (9 last I checked) “This is[…] Keep reading →

Teaching critical thinking: a high school example

on September 8, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Stories

Have you ever found young adults self-righteously holding ideas, unwilling to consider alternatives? I have. This summer I also saw a room full of them change their minds in an instant on an issue I know they would have been fixed about before. I taught a summer session of high school students entrepreneurship. One exercise is to project financials for your project for two years. I’ve gotten good at helping[…] Keep reading →

Video: Chris’s testimonial about my Entrepreneurship course

on August 25, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

Ever wonder how much you can get from a course in entrepreneurial thinking and behavior? When it’s not “just” entrepreneurship you learn a lot more, like how to take initiative and responsibility for your life and career. Here’s a student from the class I taught last semester. Chris is a Cornell student who was taking a class at NYU for the semester. For written testimonials, click here: “This is one[…] Keep reading →

Video: Joe’s testimonial about my Entrepreneurship course

on August 24, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

Ever wonder how much you can get from a course in entrepreneurial thinking and behavior? When it’s not “just” entrepreneurship you learn a lot more, like how to take initiative and responsibility for your life and career. Here’s a student from the class I taught last semester: For written testimonials, click here: “This is one of the greatest classes I have ever taken. It was engaging, thought provoking, challenging, and[…] Keep reading →

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