Category Archives: Education

Interviewed by Columbia Business School on Endurance Sports and Business Success

on October 29, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Fitness, Freedom, Habits

Do you like business success? Then read “Going the Distance,” in Columbia Business School’s alumni magazine, on how sports contribute to business success in an interview of me. Here is part of the interview, to whet your appetite: Skills mastered through endurance sports fuel success in business, says marathoner and serial entrepreneur Joshua Spodek ’06. […] First things first: why run?  One of the attractions of running is that there’s[…] Keep reading →

Are U.S. universities today like U.S. automakers in the 70s and 80s?

on October 24, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

The more I work in American universities, the more I see their decision-making and leadership behind the scenes. The more I learn about student-focused project-based learning connecting students’ lives to what the schools are trying to teach and move away from more abstract academic approaches, the more I see alternatives to the education I got that I think serve students’ and society’s interests more. I care about students in schools[…] Keep reading →

Seeing my inspiration, Inside The Actors Studio, live

on October 12, 2015 in Art, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership

If you’ve talked to me in the past few years, you’ve heard how watching Inside The Actors Studio inspired me to learn how actors came to excel so much at skills leaders in other areas of life work hard to achieve but rarely do. On top of that, many great actors on the show dropped out, were kicked out, or otherwise didn’t finish much school. Meanwhile, graduates of Ivy League[…] Keep reading →

The problem with “We need more women leaders / in tech / in STEM fields / etc”

on October 10, 2015 in Awareness, Education, Leadership, Models

Teams with members with diverse experience and skills outperform teams without diversity, as I understand research shows. My experience is consistent with that view. I am a huge fan of diversity, and, for that matter, equality. Many people promote having more women in areas where there are fewer—in leadership, in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), in college, and so on. Searching on the topic on the web shows plenty[…] Keep reading →

Cockroaches and equality

on September 30, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Evolutionary Psychology, Stories

A couple weeks ago I was in NYU’s “eLab,” a space that promotes entrepreneurship. Besides a few administrators who work there, it’s mostly students there, mainly connected with tech startups. That morning there weren’t many people there. I sat on a couch near the entrance and the staircase downstairs. Twenty or thirty feet away, across the open meeting area to my left, a few students worked on their laptops in[…] Keep reading →

Read about my entrepreneurship course at the Princeton Tech Meetup

on September 19, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship

“If lean startup methodology doesn’t work for you, then maybe you’re a candidate for the alternative method of company creation espoused by Joshua Spodek, entrepreneur, professor and coach at Columbia and NYU. Spodek explained his process to an enthusiastic and receptive audience at the Princeton Tech Meetup at the Princeton Public Library on July 16, in a talk titled “8 Steps from No Idea to Funding.”” So begins an article,[…] Keep reading →

Leaders and tools

on September 17, 2015 in Education, Leadership

A friend wanted to develop expertise in a field by getting more degrees in school. As I wrote in “Programmers work with computers and leaders work with people,” people with functional skills can solve problems in that functional area: carpenters can solve problems with wood, plumbers can solve problems with pipes, and so on. Leaders can solve problems with people. Expertise is nice, but if you have leadership skills, you[…] Keep reading →

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