Category Archives: Education

Can you tell me about John Taylor Gatto?

on June 7, 2015 in Education, Freedom

Most Sundays I comment on The New York Times’ Sunday Magazine column The Ethicist. This week looks like they have a special issue without it. Normally I comment on one from their archives, but today I’m so caught up in a couple videos I watched, and I believe I have a fair number of educators who question the system, that I’d love to learn if people can give me background[…] Keep reading →

An experiment in delegating authority: Having students grade themselves

on June 3, 2015 in Education, Leadership, Nonjudgment

Last semester I experimented with giving students the responsibility of grading themselves. I think it went well enough that I plan to do it again next time, though I plan to refine the process based on what I learned. Motivation The idea resulted from a talk by Barry Salzberg, the global CEO at Deloitte, to Columbia Business School’s alumni club. He talked about a challenge that since became part of[…] Keep reading →

Why do actors and entertainers become leaders more than the other way around and what can we learn from the pattern?

on May 29, 2015 in Art, Education, Leadership

The other day I saw an ad for a TV show where 50 Cent was the executive producer. I don’t know what role he had—maybe they’re just using a star’s name to get viewers—but at least the title suggests he has some leadership role. It made me think. A lot of actors, entertainers, and other performers move into leadership roles, but I rarely see it go the other way. Please[…] Keep reading →

Your degree isn’t a restriction

on May 28, 2015 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Education, Models, Perception

“I’m stuck because I can’t find a job in pharmacology.” “I don’t like law but what else can I do?” “I wish I could get out of engineering.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people talk this way. People about to graduate looking for jobs and people in the workforce alike. Even people from elite universities. They believe you have to make a living in what they[…] Keep reading →

How to get a mentor in two easy steps that work

on May 27, 2015 in Education, Leadership, Relationships, Tips

I trust you know the value of a mentor. I’ll take for granted you also know how to create a connection with someone. If not, read my Meaningful Connection exercise and my social skills exercise series. So I’ll start at a point where you have at least a rudimentary dialog with someone whose mentorship will help you. Step 1: Ask them for advice Ask them for advice on something that[…] Keep reading →

Closing remarks to my leadership class

on May 26, 2015 in Education, Leadership

Here is how I closed my last leadership class session a few days ago. It followed talking about Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. We happen to have lived through a semester where the headlines show we haven’t realized his dream. You only had to read the headlines for more problems. I’m volunteering for a non-profit that works on incarceration. We have children on Riker’s Island in solitary[…] Keep reading →

Universities, academics, and fitness

on May 18, 2015 in Education, Fitness

NYU emailed me to make sure the athletes in my class are doing well. I understand that some athletes pay more attention to sports than academics than the school wants. I have no problem with their checking in. It makes me think, though, about the relative value our society puts on the mind and body. I understand why a school would want to make sure its students succeeded academically. Maybe[…] Keep reading →

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