Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

At Princeton’s ELab: Contact valuable people!

on June 8, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Stories

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. I described a student’s success contacting a valuable person in her field. The call got hairy, but she Benefited from the interaction Learned about how to talk to valuable people Learned about herself Would do it again Inspired her classmates If you want similar experiences, take my entrepreneurship course. It develops you[…] Keep reading →

These 2 Magic Phrases Make Persistence Pay Off

on June 2, 2016 in Entrepreneurship,, Tips

My post today, “These 2 Magic Phrases Make Persistence Pay Off,” begins These 2 Magic Phrases Make Persistence Pay Off Persist too much and you risk annoying people. Here are 2 simple phrases so people will appreciate your persistence. You know persistence pays off. It can get you that sale, that interview, that dream job you wanted. Often it’s the only way. You also know too much persistence can[…] Keep reading →

The tragic bureaucracy of academics teaching entrepreneurship

on June 1, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

Einstein said You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war which I would apply in the context of entrepreneurship You cannot simultaneously prevent and create bureaucracy and in education You cannot simultaneously make a student dependent and independent yet universities seem to try to do both. I think professors feel too much incentive to create programs, centers, and institutes to stop themselves. I’ve seen professors and administrators spend years chasing[…] Keep reading →

At Princeton’s ELab: How to turn cold connections into warm ones and building community

on May 31, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, Tips

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. This clip shows a great nugget of how to turn cold connections into warm ones. It has more to it, but that’s the big one. I love putting it into practice.

At Princeton’s ELab: How to inspire yourself

on May 30, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Tips

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. Entrepreneurs need motivation more than most. You might not see revenue for a long time. Listen carefully at the very start of this clip for what I’ve found as one of the best forms of motivation: seeing and feeling the problem from the perspective of the people feeling it that you want[…] Keep reading →

At Princeton’s ELab: How to become a “genius” entrepreneur that people want to help

on May 28, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. Entrepreneurs are often so busy pitching their ideas, they miss opportunities to attract people to help them. They don’t realize their pitching is leading people to evaluate them, which tends to separate them. Here I talk about how to talk to people to Improve your project Feel vested in your success See[…] Keep reading →

At Princeton’s Elab to early stage entrepreneurs: financials and high school chemistry class

on May 27, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Events

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. Here I talk about creating and playing with financials as an early-stage entrepreneur. Many investors downplay early-stage financials, since every entrepreneur creates perfect ones that show tremendous growth. Creating and playing with financials is valuable! Do them when you’re starting. They force you to show your project is sustainable Before doing them,[…] Keep reading →

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