Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Myers-Briggs is baseless and stagnates your life. Here’s how to make money improving people’s lives while undermining it.

on May 25, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

I’ve written before about the problems with the Myers-Briggs test. Wikipedia points to plenty of research that shows it lacks validity, utility, reliability, and that its underlying model of four dichotomies has no evidence. I’ve written about how its model that your traits on four axes stay the same independent of situation don’t help you and undermine your improvement. Some of my favorite posts show the model of what it[…] Keep reading →

Listen to Outlier Magazine’s podcast of Joshua Spodek, published today!

on May 20, 2016 in Audio, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, SIDCHAs, Stories

Outlier Magazine’s Ever Gonzalez interviewed me recently and posted the podcast today, “Ep 331: Joshua Spodek Interview – Finding Your Hudson River” We talk about Learning entrepreneurship Learning leadership Swimming across the Hudson River Failure and learning from it My last book, ReModel (and hinting at the next one) Increasing your self-awareness through mental models Sidchas Check out the podcast here. If you prefer using Stitcher, here’s that link. If[…] Keep reading →

My Princeton Tech Meetup talk

on May 14, 2016 in Audio, Education, Entrepreneurship, Events

Below the audio from my standing-room-only talk on my entrepreneurship course at Princeton’s eLab for the Princeton Tech Meetup. Learn more about the course and register here Thank you to Venu, Chris, and Mathew for organizing, and everyone who attended for attending. Reach your potential in business and life. My courses don’t take time from the rest of life. You work with people in your life that you care about[…] Keep reading →

Video: What an entrepreneurship course can deliver, part 3

on May 10, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Models, Relationships

Here is an interview with a student who took my online entrepreneurship course, Nikita, who is an undergraduate at NYU, now working with a team of medical engineers on a medical device she created. Reach your potential in business and life. My courses don’t take time from the rest of life. You work with people in your life that you care about on projects that you care about without distracting[…] Keep reading →

Have a Great Plan? Without Answering These 2 Questions You Don’t.

on May 9, 2016 in Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My article today, “Have a Great Plan? Without Answering These 2 Questions You Don’t.” begins Have a Great Plan? Without Answering These 2 Questions You Don’t. Plans are easy. Executing them is harder and takes a lot longer–and not for what you can plan for. Here’s how to prepare for the unexpected. A client showed me his ambitious plan for professional development. It showed he had developed a lot, learned[…] Keep reading →

Explore your passions to grow, develop, and to make your work art: My talk at Creative Tech Week

on May 4, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Visualization

My talk at Creative Tech Week Monday followed up my column, Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists (and Why It Matters), which explored how anyone can express themselves and learn and grow through their work if they search for their passions within. Here’s the video, just taken by a camera phone from the front row. It also refers to my Don’t Be Walter posts from 2013 about the Big Lebowski.

Video: What a leadership course can deliver, part 4

on May 3, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership, Models

Here is an interview with a student who took my online leadership course, Chris, a born salesman and entrepreneur. Hear how the leadership course increased his business while calming his life. Reach your potential in business and life. My courses don’t take time from the rest of life. You work with people in your life that you care about on projects that you care about without distracting from the rest[…] Keep reading →

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