Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

See me in Princeton, May 12: “How To Think and Act Entrepreneurially (even if you never have before)”

on May 2, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Events, Exercises

I’m speaking at the Princeton Tech Meetup, May 12, 6:45pm. My last talks at Princeton got lots of positive feedback. Register here! From the site: Become an entrepreneur or intrapraneur in straightforward, manageable steps based on Josh’s popular and highly experiential course at New York University. This seminar will give you the blueprint to start an operating business with little or no experience, creating a community of supportive people, including[…] Keep reading →

Like creativity? Like technology? In NYC? … Come to Creative Tech Week this weekend!

on April 27, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Events

Creative Technology is transforming culture, design, and art with software, electronics and data. We are creating the premier nexus for creativity and technology worldwide. 9 Days, 100+ Events, 200+ Speakers, 200+ Partners, 25k+ Attendees. Creative Tech Week is a city-wide event week, with events going on in many different locations. Some are free, while others require a CTW Pass, and then others require additional registration or additional tickets. It’s organized[…] Keep reading →

Video: What an entrepreneurship course can deliver, part 2

on April 25, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Models, Relationships

Here is an interview with a student who took my online entrepreneurship course, RJ, who is an undergraduate at NYU. Reach your potential in business and life. My courses don’t take time from the rest of life. You work with people in your life that you care about on projects that you care about without distracting from the rest of your work and life. Learn more about the course and[…] Keep reading →

Video: What my entrepreneurship course, leadership course, and sidchas can deliver

on April 23, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises

Here is an interview with a client who did the exercises in my online entrepreneurship course and my online leadership course. He also created sidchas in his life and did them with diligence and dedication. Among other things, he recently checked off a major life goal of finishing his first marathon. Then a second about a week later! … less than a year after founding a new company. Reach your[…] Keep reading →

Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame

on April 23, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Habits,

My article yesterday, “Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame,” begins Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame Today’s celebrities seek fame, trying hard to promote themselves. Prince was more dedicated to his craft and community, as his relationships showed. My first thought on learning Prince died was how my friends Corianna and Brianna, better known as Coco and Breezy, had been telling[…] Keep reading →

Op/Ed Friday: Science and technology does not equal innovation

on April 22, 2016 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Visualization

I came across the infographic below and disagree with how it categorizes innovation and how it draws its conclusions. It categorizes innovation by “marketable contributions to technology-intensive industries as award-winning innovators and international patent applications.” Then it concludes we should support STEM more. I agree we should support STEM more, to have a more educated population. They haven’t supported their conclusion at all. I consider myself innovative. With a PhD[…] Keep reading →

Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.

on April 20, 2016 in Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My story yesterday, “Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.” begins Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead Mainstream society values hope. If you’re in business, relying on hope means you’ve nearly failed and you should know why. In a scene in the great TV show Cheers where Sam is down on his luck, Diane says in a chipper tone to cheer him up, “At[…] Keep reading →

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