Category Archives: Exercises

Why I get out of bed and make it in under a minute every day

on August 10, 2017 in Exercises, Habits, SIDCHAs

Each morning since November, from my alarm going off to my turning it off, I’ve gotten up, made my bed, and crossed the room to where my phone is. I wrote more about it in “How I Wake Up in Under 1 Minute Every Day: After decades of morning sloth, for 7 months I’ve gotten out of bed in under 60 seconds each day and loved it” (EDIT: and ““Olympic[…] Keep reading →

Join my workshop at the New York Public Library, Saturday September 9

on August 8, 2017 in Education, Events, Exercises, Leadership

You’ve heard about my book, Leadership Step by Step, its 60+ 5-star reviews, and how its exercises change lives. I may have told you about the standing ovations I get at workshops. Now you can see me at a public workshop where I’ll cover one of my book’s most popular (and fun to learn) exercises. Here are the details. Be sure to register! (You can buy a copy of Leadership[…] Keep reading →

Nelson Mandela on sidchas

on July 19, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Leadership, SIDCHAs

Yesterday was the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth. I’ve waited to share something I discovered reading his autobiography a few months ago. First some context. It’s the day of your release. You’re a revolutionary, fighting Apartheid, imprisoned for 27 years, much of it in an 8 foot by 7 foot cell or, if outside, breaking rocks. Meanwhile, you’ve become a global celebrity. Over 200 million people watched your London[…] Keep reading →

WBECS questions and answers with me, live [video]

on July 13, 2017 in Exercises, Habits, Leadership, Tips

Earlier today I was live with the World Business and Executive Coaching Summit community, following up my webinar with them last month. We covered leadership, learning to lead, how to improve your leadership, and more. Check out the video:

How to Step Up Your Leadership Game With Storytelling

on July 10, 2017 in Audio, Creativity, Exercises, Stories

Park Howell hosts the Business of Storytelling podcast. Today he released our interview about storytelling and how to improve your storytelling for business. Everybody agrees on the value of storytelling in all human communications. All the more in business. Listen to the conversation! Bonus that I missed saying in the interview By the way, when you listen, there’s one part where Park said, “You don’t want to know what’s in[…] Keep reading →

How to coach leadership and executives actively and experientially [video]

on June 30, 2017 in Exercises, Leadership

I led a webinar at this year’s World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) online summit earlier this month. If you coach, you’ll find value in the annual summit and my talk in particular. My talk, “Experiential Learning and Coaching,” was popular, with nearly 5,000 registrants. I put the video below. I find this active, experiential way of coaching helpful. If you learn from the video and practice it, please[…] Keep reading →

What is Wrong with Leadership Training for Sustainable Success?

on June 29, 2017 in Audio, Education, Exercises, Leadership

Chris Salem hosts the Sustainable Success radio show on Voice America, Wednesdays at 11am. He interviewed me yesterday and posted the interview. Live radio means no retakes or editing, which makes everything more dynamic. Also, we practice the Meaningful Connection exercise from Chapter 17 of my book and leadership course, so if you’re working on them and want to hear it in action, listen to this episode. Here’s the episode[…] Keep reading →

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