Category Archives: Habits

The time and money we spend on social media, clothes, and gaming is insane, part 1: Social media and clothes.

on February 14, 2022 in Habits

People spout bullshit that they don’t have time or money for home-cooking, daily exercise, or to sleep enough. I’m sure you’re different, but I’ll bring up numbers on things people spend time and money on. From: Average Time Spent Daily on Social Media (Latest 2022 Data) On average, we spend 144 minutes, or two hours and twenty-four minutes, on social media but this number is just that – an average.[…] Keep reading →

Sweating the details: Now when I mop, I focus on the corners.

on January 22, 2022 in Habits, Tips

I mop as part of my six-day exercise cycle. Part of my ritual before my lifting days is to mop the floors, so every six days I mop the whole apartment. More accurately, I shifted from mopping to getting on my hands and knees and cleaning with a sponge. The ritual reminds me of monks, who seem to take on tasks with a measure of quality that focus the mind[…] Keep reading →

Year 3, day 2 on this one load of trash

on December 26, 2021 in Freedom, Habits, Nature

I last emptied my trash on December 25, 2019. My current load is close to full, though if I squeeze it, it compresses. That is, it doesn’t weigh much. I consider it too much so I hope to impose less waste on future generations next time. I’ll wait until at least January 1 to empty it so I can say I didn’t empty a load in two consecutive calendar years.[…] Keep reading →

Decade two, day 1: I reached the ground with my heels on downward dog for the first time in my life.

on December 22, 2021 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits

An auspicious beginning to my second decade of my calisthenics sidcha: my heels reached the ground in one of my stretches, the downward dog. I did yoga regularly for a few years before starting burpees. Yoga means a lot of downward dogs. In all those years, my heels never touched the ground while doing them. At best I reached something like this: This morning my heels reached the ground. I[…] Keep reading →

Ten years (3,652 consecutive days)

on December 21, 2021 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I just finished my second set today of twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. Normally, I do my second set in the evening, but since I started the habit on December 22, 2011 and today is December 21, 2021, today completes my first decade. I already finished my first decade of publishing blog posts, nearing 5,000. Here are all of them. 20 percent of the time has been on a single load of[…] Keep reading →

My brief conversation with someone smoking crack by Washington Square Park, next door to Babbo, with a twist at the end.

on November 13, 2021 in Habits, Nonjudgment, Stories

This morning as I walked to Washington Square Park to pick up litter, then to drop off my food scraps for compost in Union Square, I saw someone on the steps of a brownstone, curled up, fiddling with something. I’d seen that look before, of someone concealing doing drugs. Sometimes they pull their shirt or jacket over their heads. When not that many people are around, they just do the[…] Keep reading →

Scrubbing the floor regularly

on November 2, 2021 in Habits, Nonjudgment, SIDCHAs

Someone suggested I learn about a writer named Pico Iyer. In an interview I listened to he talked about the musician Leonard Cohen, who apparently spent time living as a monk. Cohen’s practice, according to Iyer, included scrubbing the floor. The practice doesn’t sound glamorous. You can hire someone to do it. Why bother if you can afford not to? The movie Amazing Grace, about William Wilberforce, showed John Newton[…] Keep reading →

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