Category Archives: Habits

Kicking the flying habit, which keeps you from family and income

on June 7, 2019 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Habits, Nature, Nonjudgment

In an online thread with people insisting that they have no choice but to fly for family and work reasons, I wrote the following, which I’m sure some will disagree with. I’m learning too, though I hope to help people looking to find joy in polluting less. One flight will brings people closer. Flying in general led them to move far apart so they felt they needed to fly to[…] Keep reading →

How to sleep in without sleeping late

on April 4, 2019 in Habits

I know this should be obvious and it probably is. I still find it hard to implement and have to relearn it all the time. But when I get it, it makes life relaxing and easier. How to sleep in without sleeping late: Go to sleep earlier. There are two ways to sleep as much as you want. You can sleep later in the morning You can go to sleep[…] Keep reading →

I’m famous for plogging! See me pick up litter while I run on local news.

on March 29, 2019 in Fitness, Habits, Stories

The winter is over and it’s time to get outdoors running. Jessica Formoso covered me plogging on WNYW Fox 5 local news last night. You can hear my experience that made plogging stick: I cleaned where I live—my home. Here’s the video, where you can see me running like an old man. Let me know if you want to join me for some plogging or if you plog on your[…] Keep reading →

I rowed a marathon today

on February 27, 2019 in Fitness, Habits

Three weeks ago, inspired by an Olympic gold medalist and Crossfit Games champion podcast guest, I rowed my first half-marathon. Before then, I don’t think I had rowed more than 7,500 meters at once, and even that distance happened probably five years ago. But the inspiration came from seeing the Crossfit competitors rowing a marathon, not a half marathon, so the I knew I had to go the distance one[…] Keep reading →

My famous no-packaging vegetable stew formula, take 2

on January 3, 2019 in Habits, Nature

Following take 1, where I answered my friend’s mom question, “Hi Josh, My son says you make an awesome vegetable stew with seasonal produce. Is there a formula for it?”, she wrote back: I did it!!  I got an instant pot and I made a simple stew with: Lentils, acorn squash, kale, spinach, garlic and some Braggs seasoning.  I added some nutritional yeast later and topped it off with chopped[…] Keep reading →

A sidcha to improve your writing

on December 31, 2018 in Habits, SIDCHAs

My publisher recommended an exercise to help write concisely, which she found at a page called Very Good Copy in an article called This exercise will train you to write more concisely. It says, “If your goal is to write tighter copy — copy that says more in fewer words — try this 15-minute exercise. . . rewrite a Wikipedia paragraph to a third of its original length (e.g., edit[…] Keep reading →

Americans are more disciplined than I am. By a lot.

on December 7, 2018 in Habits

Walking back from a farmers market with some fresh Brussels sprouts, I can’t believe how indulgent my life is. I meant just to drop off my compost, but they looked so delicious, I couldn’t resist. People call me disciplined, but amid my indulgence, relative to Americans, I’m not. When it comes to voluntary choices to live by one’s passions. Americans across the board sacrifice more and devote more resources to[…] Keep reading →

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