Category Archives: Habits

Seth Godin caught my scarcity mindset

on November 19, 2018 in Awareness, Habits

Chatting with Seth Godin before recording the last week’s podcast episode, I shared with him how I keep secret the incredible ingredient I love cooking with—peanut flour. It’s nearly the last packaged food I still buy, though I’ve found a mill that I think I can crank it out with my hands from peanuts. I haven’t shared why I like it so much, but I make some of the most[…] Keep reading →

Now that we see orange juice like soda, I predict olive oil to join

on November 16, 2018 in Habits, Nature

When I grew up, people considered orange juice healthy. Now I think people who looked it up generally agree that orange juice makers removed the oranges’ nutrition, leaving what nutritionally resembles soda more. OJ may have some vitamin C, but when did you last hear of someone you know getting scurvy? Removing the fiber from a food usually removes most of its nutrition, which is why I’ll still eat orange’s[…] Keep reading →

“17 Creative Weekend Routines For a Happier, More Successful Week,” including plogging

on October 30, 2018 in Fitness, Habits, Tips

Thrive Global featured me and my plogging habit in the subheading. I recommend trying it. My picking up trash has led others to start doing it too, and to find they enjoy it. One even claimed she was dirt-phobic before doing it. 17 Creative Weekend Routines For a Happier, More Successful Week Stargazing, “plogging,” rom-com marathons –– which of these activities will put gas in your tank this weekend? Here’s[…] Keep reading →

What ties it all together?

on October 18, 2018 in Habits

People comment that I do things in many areas. A reader asked what ties them together. Since I get the question a lot, I thought I’d answer for easy access. He asked You mention that you write about leadership, education, learning leadership, fitness, personal growth, the environment, and a few related topics. What is the overarching theme that brings all of these topics together? I responded. I’m glad you asked[…] Keep reading →

Answers to common questions on polluting less

on October 17, 2018 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Habits, Nature

A new reader and listener asked some questions I get a lot about polluting less and how to start. I’m sharing the answers so people can find them faster. I’ll preview the questions, then share his whole email for context, with my answers. Feel free to scroll down if you just want the answers. Just the questions: Packaging: What parameters did you start with? Do you buy everything at a[…] Keep reading →

My calisthenics, September 2018

on October 5, 2018 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

I’ve kept my twice-daily calisthenics routines nearly the same for a few years. Now you can see them. I settled onto through trial and error and some research, not through a trainer, so I welcome comments and suggestions. My morning routine 27 burpees (last 3 with with diamond push-ups) Hamstring stretch for 60 breaths Pike for 10 breaths 10 lying hip raises 10 45-pound weighted crunches with legs up 10[…] Keep reading →

My tricks

on September 27, 2018 in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

When I talk about my daily habits, people call me disciplined and act as if I have ability they don’t. Nobody looks at a bodybuilder and believes he or she was born that way. Nobody hears a musician playing and thinks he or she was born playing. They developed their skills by practicing. I practice too. Sometimes the practice involves hard things and things you don’t feel like doing but[…] Keep reading →

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