Category Archives: Habits

The death spiral of thinking you understand someone when you don’t

on February 23, 2015 in Awareness, Habits, Models, Nature

We’ve all been on both sides of the pattern below, usually with someone we like. Neither side likes it. Usually, neither side knows how to get out of it. From your perspective: You think you understand them when you don’t You do what you think they would like, thinking you’ll help them They don’t show appreciation You feel like they don’t appreciate you You consider them ungrateful and think they[…] Keep reading →

My rice cooker / vegetable steamer / miracle appliance

on February 21, 2015 in Fitness, Habits, Tips

I don’t claim to be a great cook. I don’t like unnecessary gadgets. I avoid promoting businesses for no reason. But, man, do I like my Hitachi Chime-o-matic rice cooker / vegetable steamer / miracle appliance. I call it a miracle appliance for fun because I can’t figure out how it knows when to turn off, but it does, every time. I like the kitschy name Chime-o-matic. Mostly I love[…] Keep reading →

Habitualize it

on February 18, 2015 in Creativity, Fitness, Habits, Tips

My friend, visiting from overseas, described the difficulty we all feel away from home when we can’t do the morning routine we like. Nearly everyone has a morning routine that starts their day right for them. I see a higher-level strategy: if something happens regularly, habitualize it. I love discovering things, but I don’t see any benefit in trying to discover a new ordering between showering, eating breakfast, brushing my[…] Keep reading →

Geeking out: new high score on 2048

on February 17, 2015 in Habits

Sorry to digress from leadership, meaning, value, importance, purpose, passion, burpees, and such. Time for one of my diversions: 2048! This will bore anyone who doesn’t play, but it’s one of my ways to relax. I got my high score and reached the 16348 tile. Plus I wrote a funny poem about my time on it. Anyway, here’s an animation of a few points with high-numbered tiles followed by combining[…] Keep reading →

Mental models and beliefs: an exercise to identify yours

on February 13, 2015 in Exercises, Freedom, Habits, Leadership, Models, Tips

[EDIT February 2020: I gathered, edited, and compiled all the posts I listed below into my book ReModel, which I recommend if you prefer a more curated experience with less clicking. Either way, I recommend doing the exercise. It gives a new way of seeing the world that costs nothing and takes little time.] This series covers my doing my Write Your Beliefs exercise, which I’ve found one of the[…] Keep reading →

Why do readers like the posts I write the fastest so much?

on February 10, 2015 in Creativity, Habits, SIDCHAs

Whenever I’m short for time and have to write a post fast to make sure I post that day, I always get emails commenting that they liked the post. Posting here is a SIDCHA of mine, after all, so I don’t miss posting. Sometimes that means posting fast. I haven’t been keep track scientifically, but I have casually, and I don’t remember a counterexample. I occasionally get emails saying they[…] Keep reading →

Passions, you create

on February 6, 2015 in Habits, Models, Tips

I wrote the following to someone and couldn’t help sharing it here. There’s a common belief that passions are something you find. Like if you just turn over enough rocks you’ll find yours. It’s a nice fantasy and excuse for people who haven’t achieved much to explain why they haven’t and others have: “Well, I could do as much as so-and-so if I had found my passion. When I do[…] Keep reading →

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