Category Archives: Habits

I love my breakfast!

on October 17, 2014 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

I love my breakfast. Yes, breakfast, in the singular. I eat the same simple combination almost every day and I prepare it through the same steps almost the same every day. Yet it has more flavor, texture, and nutrition than any other breakfast I know. Compared to the flashy, colorful boxes taking up most of the cereal supermarket aisle I haven’t entered in years—at least not since I wrote about[…] Keep reading →

No time to exercise? I bet you do, but you don’t want to make the effort.

on October 16, 2014 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits

I get it. Exercise is hard. At least useful exercise is. I wrote about it in yesterday’s post, “Defining moments.” I know the feeling before starting exercising. You don’t want to. But rarely do people tell me they don’t exercise because it’s hard. Far more often people tell me they don’t have time to exercise. If you want to exercise and you think you’re not doing it because you don’t[…] Keep reading →

Defining moments

on October 15, 2014 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Habits, SIDCHAs

Have you stood on the edge of an open airplane door, looking at the sky beneath you and the ground miles below it, parachute on your back, trying to will yourself to jump? Have you stood outside your boss’s door, after days and weeks working up the courage and what to say to ask for a raise or promotion, trying to will yourself to knock and enter? Have you sat[…] Keep reading →

Why Are Americans So Fascinated With Extreme Fitness?

on October 14, 2014 in Fitness, Habits, Leadership

I decided to answer the question of this New York Times article “Why Are Americans So Fascinated With Extreme Fitness?“. That article describes some fitness, but doesn’t answer the question, which deals with motivation and overcoming big challenges, which connect it to leadership. To answer why people would push to get so fit, you have to explain the emotion and motivation behind it. Simply saying it’s healthy or makes you[…] Keep reading →

Cooking from scratch means less garbage

on October 11, 2014 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

The other day I felt lazy and bought a can of food for a quick dinner. It ended up creating the most trash of any meal for a while. Since my apartment renovations opened up the kitchen, I’m cooking a lot more. Specifically, I’m cooking a lot more from scratch, buying a lot more vegetables, which I cook in the rice cooker / vegetable steamer / miracle appliance. Also a[…] Keep reading →

When the best way to solve a problem is to solve it, not analyze it forever

on September 18, 2014 in Fitness, Habits

One of the greatest improvements in my life was switching from what I call the Dandelion Model of solving problems to the Burning Building Model. This week’s New Yorker describes a major successful application of the Burning Building Model in James Surowiecki’s article, “Home Free?“. Briefly, the Dandelion Model of problem solving starts with the belief that if you don’t solve a problem from its roots, then like a dandelion,[…] Keep reading →

1,000 days of burpees

on September 16, 2014 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

If I did my math right, today is my one-thousandth day of burpees, starting at one set of ten per day, now up to two sets of twenty-five per day. That’s somewhere over 40,000 burpees. I’ve done them in North Korea, China, and across the U.S. Following the principle that if you miss one day you can miss two, if you miss two it’s all over, I haven’t missed one[…] Keep reading →

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