Category Archives: Habits

Minimum effective behavior

on November 6, 2014 in Awareness, Freedom, Habits

Since my post, “The smallest effective difference,” I’ve meant to list habits and practices I do to reduce my unnecessary effects on things. I plan to add to the list over time as I think of new ones since I feel like I act on the philosophy all the time and it seems short. If you have similar habits and practices, please let me know. The point of them is[…] Keep reading →

How you develop social skills

on November 4, 2014 in Awareness, Education, Habits

The pattern for developing a new social skill goes like: 1. Lack of awareness of something I want to change 2. Awareness of it 3. Realizing I can do something about it 4. Try do something about it but notice a day later that I missed the opportunity 5. Notice an hour later 6. Notice a minute later 7. Notice in the moment 8. Unconscious mastery Advancing from one step[…] Keep reading →

Marathon burpees

on November 1, 2014 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

It’s just past midnight, meaning I’m about fifteen minutes into Saturday, November 1. Tomorrow, Sunday, is the marathon. I’ve trained for it pretty well for months. I’ve wondered what to about my burpees. Some people suggested skipping burpees on days I run the marathon. I see it otherwise. Those are the most important days to do them. What’s the point of doing something only when it’s easy? The benefit comes[…] Keep reading →

New SIDCHA series post

on October 30, 2014 in Education, Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

[I wrote a new introduction to my SIDCHA series. I’m happy enough with it to share it as a regular post.] Most people seem to want improve themselves, personally or professionally. Reading, watching, and listening to people tell you how you can develop yourself professionally or personally doesn’t change anything beyond give you a bit of information. People don’t succeed because they have more information. They succeed because they act.[…] Keep reading →

Successful behavior comes from little tricks more than lofty ideals

on October 23, 2014 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Tips

There is a one-hundred percent chance I will work out this morning. It’s raining. I’m cold. I’m hungry. I have a lot of work to do. I have emails to catch up on. So many distractions. How do I know I’m going to exercise? Because I put on the lycra shorts I wear when I row on the rowing machine and every time I wear them I row. They aren’t[…] Keep reading →

Two readers ask about confirming and anchoring in relationships

on October 21, 2014 in Habits, Leadership, Tips

Two readers asked similar questions about yesterday’s post, “Risks in relationships, rock-climbing, and ratcheting,” on confirming the status of a relationship and how that’s like anchoring yourself while rock climbing. One reader wrote: I like the analogy. Could you give an example of checking in with people and dynamic relationship? Dynamic meaning continuous interaction and keeping in touch? Asking someone how they feel about something is checking in, yes? Another[…] Keep reading →

Risks in relationships, rock-climbing, and ratcheting

on October 20, 2014 in Freedom, Habits, Leadership

Imagine rock climbing a vertical cliff. You don’t want to get hurt so you use a rope to catch you if you fall. You regularly loop the rope through something attached to the face. I think they call it anchoring, so I’ll call it anchoring too. How you anchor affects how you climb. If you just anchored yourself, your rope would effectively be attached right there, so if you let[…] Keep reading →

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