Category Archives: Habits

I started my current load of garbage on Christmas 2019 (I used to fill a load a week). Still going.

on December 25, 2022 in Habits

I last posted a picture of my garbage around 2.5 years in, I think. Yesterday ended the third year on one load. Today begins year 4. Here’s the load, in a canvas tote bag I got from a conference, before I knew not to accept them. My skills in avoiding acquiring what will become garbage are increasing, meaning that most of the garbage in that bag came in its first[…] Keep reading →

Beginning month 8 off the grid and *coincidence* year 12 of daily burpees.

on December 22, 2022 in Habits, Leadership, Nature, SIDCHAs

Today begins month 8 of my apartment disconnected from the electric grid. I’d wondered what I’d do as the weather got colder and days shortened. Now I passed the winter solstice so days will lengthen. The weather will still cool for another few weeks, but I may have passed the hardest part. It occurred to me I might just have to keep going for the year. We’ll see. It can[…] Keep reading →

Apparently I’ve Earned a Reputation Volunteering

on November 17, 2022 in Habits, Stories

This evening, volunteering, as I approached to dropped off my load of groceries, probably a few hundred dollars’ worth, a couple people asked, “Are you Josh?” I hadn’t seen them before. They asked as if someone had told them about me, that I delivered a large load of great food at certain times, which I do. So I seem to have developed a reputation for consistency in time and volume.[…] Keep reading →

My volunteering amounts to donating about $50,000 per year of food.

on November 13, 2022 in Habits, Nature

For a couple years, I’ve been volunteering with a group that picks up food that stores were going to throw away and deliver it to a local community center where people, usually needy, can get it for free. The food isn’t what’s gone bad. It’s usually stuff they had to empty from shelves when a new order comes in. It’s a broken system. We’re not fixing it yet, but at[…] Keep reading →

200,000 burpees

on October 30, 2022 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

It’s easy to track how many burpees I do as part of my twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. I know how many I do per day and I don’t miss days, so I just update the date in my spreadsheet and it tells me. More accurately, the spreadsheet tells me a minimum since now and then I do burpees for other reasons, but I haven’t missed and, so I’ve done more than[…] Keep reading →

On when I should stop picking up litter in Washington Square Park

on October 21, 2022 in Addiction, Habits, SIDCHAs

The cops have cleaned Washington Square Park somewhat of its heavier drug use and dealing. I’ve talked to a few of the cops and they aren’t all from the local precinct. Some came from elsewhere in the city. I talked to one from the Bronx. It sounds like word got around the city that it was worth it to act on the lawlessness, though I’ve heard there’s plenty extra lawlessness[…] Keep reading →

Thoughts climbing eleven flights of stairs twice a day to charge my battery from sunlight

on October 19, 2022 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

For the first couple days, I was still getting used to it and wondering how things would go. Later, it became a ritual, like my morning and evening calisthenics, giving structure to my life. Also, have you noticed how when movies have monks, they often show a scene of them mopping the floor, or some repetitive task that for a monk becomes mindful? Like that. Lately I’ve been thinking, “Why[…] Keep reading →

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