Category Archives: Habits

A Couple Ways I Avoid Cell Phone and Other Addiction

on October 6, 2022 in Addiction, Habits

A few small ways I avoid the cell phone causing craving. One: When I’m walking and feel the urge to check something on my phone, instead of getting it out, I pick a spot ahead and tell myself I can get it out of my pocket and check it there. I usually pick a distance of a block or two, sometimes more, which means a minute or two later, sometimes[…] Keep reading →

My pride and shame in giving blood for the first time since college

on July 30, 2022 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits

I’m proud to have given blood Tuesday. If you haven’t listened to yesterday’s podcast episode with Sebastian Junger, listen to hear his story of receiving ten emergency transmissions leading to his giving blood regularly. Why ashamed too? Because when the nurse checked me in, filling in my address from my driver’s license, she asked if I’d changed my address. The address in the system showed my freshman year dorm address.[…] Keep reading →

How Not to Give Up

on June 29, 2022 in Habits, Leadership, Tips

A friend emailed to respond to yesterday’s post After the Pride and Queer Liberation Marches 2022: Washington Square Park wrecked again. I could cry to say “I have to admit I can’t even get myself to watch the videos, the images are truly horrifying! I don’t know what to say…” I responded with a sentiment I’ve posted to this blog before, but I think it bears repeating. Leading in unknown[…] Keep reading →

I’ve never met a vegan vegan

on June 16, 2022 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Habits

In college, after I stopped eating meat but still ate dairy, I met a young woman who was vegan. I think I knew then that I intended to become vegan at some indefinite future time, but didn’t see a path to it. I’d lived in Paris a year and learned to love cheese too much. She was allergic to dairy, so ate none. Since then, I’ve often commented that nearly[…] Keep reading →

One way I admit I’m out of touch: I can’t understand why everyone doesn’t pick up litter all the time.

on May 12, 2022 in Habits, Nature

Okay, I’m speaking a bit tongue-in-cheek because I know most people think what they do doesn’t matter and imagine touching anyone else’s litter risks keeling over and dying, or maybe gangrene and covid-19. People claim to be germaphobes and the like to excuse their inaction. But I know there’s no risk if you just avoid dangerous things, which still leaves an infinite amount to pick up, so I discount their[…] Keep reading →

Tragic doof addiction statistics: up to 70 percent of children’s calories.

on May 1, 2022 in Addiction, Fitness, Freedom, Habits

Podcast guest Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM did a video on doof, which he calls ultraprocessed food, junk food, or ultraprocessed junk food. He’s a multiple time number one bestselling author and host of Experience shows me that using the word food confuses people into thinking it’s food when it isn’t. Just because something fills your belly when you’re hungry doesn’t mean it’s food. Heroin would make the hunger[…] Keep reading →

Everyone says “It’s the journey, not the destination” until you suggest they consider not flying.

on April 15, 2022 in Habits, Nature

I hear people say “it’s the journey, not the destination” all the time. Then when I say I don’t fly but get more value that I did from flying, they say, “Oh, I couldn’t do that.” What happened to the journey being more valuable than the destination? I concluded they were just talking and hadn’t thought through what the journey means. Sadly, if they did stop flying, they’d find more[…] Keep reading →

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