Category Archives: Habits

Do I get bored of my diet? What I ate in the last 24 hours.

on February 18, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

I once read that most people think their diet is more varied than they think. We fall back on what we like more often than we think. As a corollary, we tend to see others’ diets as less varied. (I couldn’t find the research on diet variety, but Most people think their diet is healthier than it is: U.S. adults commonly overestimate the quality of their diet, study shows, which[…] Keep reading →

I don’t eat with screens on

on February 13, 2023 in Addiction, Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

I forget it I posted this sidcha, though it’s not that challenging, at least not any more, though it was when I started it in January 2022. At first kicking the addiction was hard. Maybe it’s more of a habit. It’s not a restriction though it may seem that way if you haven’t lived it. The sidcha: I don’t eat when a screen is on. Or when I eat, I[…] Keep reading →

Why Do Hard Things: Glory and Peace

on February 6, 2023 in Habits, Nature

Friday was sunny but cold. After a January with only two or three sunny days, therefore only two or three chances to power the battery to cook, I didn’t want to lose the chance to cook. The temperature was in the low twenties F (-5C or so) and it was windy. It was either my coldest day up there or close to it, but I didn’t mind the cold since[…] Keep reading →

Two unbroken streaks: 8 months off-grid and 12 years daily blogging. Which is more challenging?

on January 23, 2023 in Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

Yesterday began month 9 with my apartment disconnect from the electric grid. Today begins year 13 posting daily to my blog. Which seems more challenging? Which has taught me more about myself, humanity, and nature? Tough call. They seem even. I’m continuing both so I’ll keep learning from both. The off-grid in Manhattan seems more rare, a bigger disconnect from my ambient culture. Earth also passed a month after the[…] Keep reading →

Video of me volunteering, delivering the food they were going to throw out to a community center

on January 18, 2023 in Habits

I’ve talked about my volunteering: Stores throw away perfectly healthy food as part of our broken system. A group of us pick up that food and bring it to a community center called the Chelsea Fridge. Anyone can take it from there for free, usually poor people, though anyone can. I’ve meant to make a video of me bringing the cart to the store to pick up the food, bringing[…] Keep reading →

Another month, another zero kilowatt-hour electric bill

on January 11, 2023 in Habits, Nature

I posted scans of all my 2022 electric bills, showing zero kilowatt-hours since May. Here’s my first zero bill for 2023: I talked to a guy last year who told me he regularly paid $1,000 for monthly bills. What do you pay? What would you like to pay? If you’d like to pay and pollute less, thereby hurting other people less, what’s holding you back? They also share this annual[…] Keep reading →

Waking before the alarm, writing in the dark

on January 6, 2023 in Habits, Nonjudgment, Stories

I told a friend how sometimes when I wake up before the alarm I get my best ideas. Most of the time I don’t write them down, figuring if they’re important enough, I’ll remember them when I wake up for the day. I learned the habit of not trying to save everything during my first silent meditation retreat. They don’t let attendees bring anything to write with. At first I[…] Keep reading →

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