Category Archives: Nature

Insouciance, colonialism, and sustainability

on August 10, 2023 in Nature, Stories

Insouciance, colonialism, and sustainability

Hawaii: Microcosm of Earth

on August 9, 2023 in Models, Nature

Longtime readers who Eugene Bible, who hosts This Sustainable Life: Solve for Nature, a sibling podcast to mine. He lives in Hawaii. A while ago he shared a view that helps me simplify and clarify how we affect nature. He suggested viewing Hawaii as a microcosm of Earth. Do you have a proposal you think would help Earth? Ask if it would work with Hawaii. [EDIT: I had planned to[…] Keep reading →

Why we’ll prefer sustainability

on August 5, 2023 in Art, Models, Nature

Why people mistakenly think sustainability means deprivation and sacrifice and think not polluting is extreme: I used to party with world famous DJs. Manhattan dance clubs gave me tables and an unlimited guest list back when I made art that a few clubs put in their VIP lounges. Sometimes amid an amazing party, someone would leave early to walk their dog or relieve their baby sitter. From my partying perspective,[…] Keep reading →

Is this image our culture in a nutshell?

on August 3, 2023 in Nature

Is this image our culture in a nutshell: Sitting on a beach scrolling through social media of images of beaches, wishing we were there instead? IOW, not appreciating what we have, being led to consider it inadequate, being led to crave what we don’t have, fear of missing out, missing nature around us, distracted by technology.

The UN’s three-pronged attack on sustainability

on August 2, 2023 in Models, Nature, Visualization

The United Nations may be delivering the most effective attack against sustainability of all. I can only see its three messages below leading people not to change or, if anything, to accelerate business as usual. Message 1: “CODE RED” The United Nations created the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). I see two predominant messages from the UN and IPCC. The first is DANGER DANGER DANGER, or in the words[…] Keep reading →

Only specify fixing climate and carbon if you want to wreck everything else (forests, biodiversity, rivers, etc) because that happens when you do.

on August 1, 2023 in Nature, Tips

People talking about the environment focus on climate and carbon. Only talk about climate, carbon, and greenhouse emissions if you want to disregard all other environmental problems because doing so will augment them. The problems result from our behavior, which results from our culture. Don’t change our culture and we’ll keep lowering Earth’s ability to sustain life. Focus only on one symptom and like whack-a-mole, or a stream flowing around[…] Keep reading →

The electric company is texting me to use less electricity, but I’m using none. Stop wasting so much, people.

on July 28, 2023 in Addiction, Freedom, Nature

I closed my account with Con Ed since I wasn’t using their power, but apparently Americans are too entitled and can’t stop themselves. They’re complaining and unhappy. I wish I could help them enjoy life more, but the technology they thought brought them comfort and convenience seems to have made them less resilient, happy, healthy, or safe and more addicted, dependent, and petulant. I prefer freedom to addiction, which I[…] Keep reading →

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