Category Archives: Nonjudgment

Psychology Today: Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion, part 2

on June 1, 2020 in Models, Nonjudgment, psychologytoday

I posted the next part of one of my favorite posts, following yesterday’s, Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion. I call it part 3 there because I had to break part 1 into two parts to meet length requirements. Enjoy! If you believe you have to be either introverted or extroverted—as I did—this series of posts may revolutionize your life.

Should we make stupid shit illegal?

on May 29, 2020 in Nonjudgment

To clarify, I’m not serious about the following, as implementing it except by a democratic process people considered fair, but I consider it worth talking about. Sometimes crazy, impractical ideas spark useful, practical ones. Should we make stupid shit illegal? We make drunk driving and selling cigarettes to children illegal and no one complains they’re evidence of a nanny state. How about doof? People can’t stop buying and gorging on[…] Keep reading →

My reflection on an exercise assigned me: Drinking a Hot Beverage Without Judgment

on May 23, 2020 in Awareness, Exercises, Nonjudgment, Perception

A friend recommended to me an exercise I hadn’t heard of. It sounds like the Three Raisins exercise I learned from Jon Kabat-Zinn, included in my leadership book, and assign in my leadership class. She didn’t explain much about it, but my experience with experiential exercises told me that doing it would reveal more than any explanation. The exercise The instructions: Drink a hot beverage and when I think judgmental[…] Keep reading →

Americans mistake

on May 22, 2020 in Nature, Nonjudgment

Americans mistake entitlement for luxury comfort and convenience for happiness effort for misery flying for adventure pleasure for emotional reward upvotes for friendship social media for community video games for fun takeout for culture cheap for value volume for quality test scores for knowledge etc and wonder why so many end up addicted to opiates, sugar, etc. The observation probably applies to many modern cultures, but I’m here in the[…] Keep reading →

Three Latest Videos on New York City’s lockdown with Me and’s Rob Harper

on May 16, 2020 in Audio, Nonjudgment, Stories

I can’t describe the unexpected fun and growth coming from my conversations with Rob. When I learned of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s friendship with Antonin Scalia, I couldn’t get it. How could one tolerate someone who worked to make the world the opposite of what they wanted, especially with the stakes so high? Reading John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty, I intellectually understood his point that you have to share your ideas[…] Keep reading →

My Question Journal

on April 20, 2020 in Creativity, Education, Nonjudgment

In yesterday’s podcast conversation, educational leader Tony Wagner suggested starting and keeping a question journal as a way of keeping curious and young. At least, I took how he described it that way. I don’t know if people have found ways to make them work better, but I’ve learned that starting first leads to improving faster than trying to start perfectly. As I put it, I have low standards the[…] Keep reading →

See my second appearance on

on April 14, 2020 in Nature, Nonjudgment

Rob and Andrew at invited me back, this time for a three-way conversation: Maga Media Podcast ep35: Guest Joshua Spodek| Climate Change, Coronavirus & the Great American Lockdown. EDIT: I recommend everyone watch these videos on preventing pandemics including COVID-19, considering how much our behavior is causing them: Pandemics: History & Prevention Can we stop a future pandemic? Dr. Michael Greger M.D explains what’s next. Their notes for this[…] Keep reading →

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