Category Archives: Perception

Did you ever notice when someone interrupts. . .

on October 15, 2019 in Awareness, Perception

Sometimes mid-sentence something distracts me and I lose my train of thought. Often when I do, I can’t remember what I was saying before. It annoys me but I move on to something else. By contrast, if a person interrupted me to the same effect, I’d get angry, even if what I were saying were no more important. That is, if while saying the same thing, I were interrupted or[…] Keep reading →

Examples of “tastes good” versus “want more”

on October 7, 2019 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Perception, SIDCHAs

I’ve written on the difference in sensation between something tasting good versus making you feel like you want more of it (see “Want to eat more” and “tastes good” aren’t the same feeling). I also spoke about them as a podcast guest in Tastes Good versus Want More, explored in depth. The difference, briefly: when you bite into a fruit you love, say an apple, it tastes good and you[…] Keep reading →

Do you think like an addict?

on June 19, 2019 in Awareness, Perception

For at least 20 years, I always had ice cream in my freezer and pretzels or potato chips in my cupboard. Somewhere inside, I knew I didn’t want them. I told myself I couldn’t help buying and eating them, but I could. I didn’t stop. When I bought them, I would tell myself why buying them was okay, even though I thought I shouldn’t. How addicts think Addicts tell themselves[…] Keep reading →

60 hours only water

on June 1, 2019 in Awareness, Freedom, Perception

Last year I went 72 hours with only water. I’d read and heard chatter about “intermittent fasting,” not knowing what people meant. The more I looked into it, the more I found most people chattering didn’t know what they were talking about so I ignored it. Then a friend told me about two benefits he experienced — not read about or imagined, but experienced. He said The first meal after[…] Keep reading →

An empty boat parable from life

on May 21, 2019 in Awareness, Perception, Stories

You may have read the empty boat parable. I don’t much like it. I get its point, it sounds too contrived and fortune-cookie-like. The people who say it tend to sound new-agey, which is not a community I associate with. Yesterday morning, I experienced the point of the story without the contrivance. First I’ll share the original for those who haven’t read it. A young farmer laboriously paddled his boat[…] Keep reading →

Avoid that addictive tug

on January 15, 2019 in Awareness, Perception

That addictive tug showed itself to me clearly for the first time the last time I ate ice cream. It was Thanksgiving, two or three Novembers ago. I rarely eat dairy and for years have avoided fiber-removed foods so I don’t remember why I tried a taste then. Everyone was eating pie and ice cream, passing them around the table. I was probably sipping scotch for dessert, or maybe eating[…] Keep reading →

Why are there more books to get fit than to get obese?

on October 24, 2018 in Fitness, Nonjudgment, Perception

Sometimes I stumble on sites saying things like This Powerful Photo Series Proves That “Fat” Is Beautiful This photo series shows that “fat” can be as beautiful as any other body type Beauty comes in all sizes and shapes There are a lot of sites like it, promoting, or proving as the first one listed said, that fat is beautiful. A lot of them. I don’t want to sound snarky,[…] Keep reading →

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