Category Archives: Visualization

20-minute vegetable stew

on July 22, 2016 in Fitness, Nature, Visualization

I’ve written about fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, and how delicious, nutritious, convenient, and cheap they are. I decided to record myself making stew from scratch. I only wish I could write how delicious and nutritious it is. It tastes like it stewed all day. Yesterday and the day before you saw the contents of my fridge. Here’s what I do with them. A few comments You’ll notice I comment on[…] Keep reading →

45 6-pack

on July 20, 2016 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

Today I turned 45 and my 6-pack is nearly there. My goal isn’t to get big nor to exercise a lot but to get rid of fat I don’t want and free the rest of me while taking minimal time from the rest of my life. As always, to learn more about myself and to grow. This (My usual diet) Plus this (All my exercise equipment) (rowing machine, four kettlebells,[…] Keep reading →

The most helpful burpee video I’ve seen

on July 14, 2016 in Fitness, Habits, Visualization

This video shows burpee form more simply and clearly than any other I’ve seen. If you’re trying to learn how to do them, I think this video shows it best. I prefer doing them barefoot and bring my knees outside my elbows when I jump forward, but those are matters of taste. Note that he touches his chest and chin at the same time and keeps his back rigid, not[…] Keep reading →

Farm fresh vegetables

on June 17, 2016 in Fitness, Nature, Visualization

I meant to post about the vegetables I got each week from my farm share deal (called Community Supported Agriculture or CSA). The farm drops off its vegetables to a place a few blocks away and everyone picks up their share within a three-hour time slot. The summer/fall one I do delivers food twenty-four weeks. The winter/spring one delivers less often. This year’s started last week, so the fresh vegetables[…] Keep reading →

The Beijing Sky, Ancient Rome, Mel Brooks, and personal responsibility

on June 13, 2016 in Awareness, Models, Nature, Visualization

Have you seen the Beijing Sky lately? It looks more clear sometimes, but often like this: That’s not fog, that’s smog. We have a whole planet’s worth of atmosphere, and we manage to make a city’s air look like that. Beijing isn’t alone. Plenty of cities around the world look the same, as you know. I couldn’t help but think of it when I saw Mel Brooks lately and remembered[…] Keep reading →

Your choice of sidcha isn’t that important. Just do one.

on June 6, 2016 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

Following up yesterday’s post about the subtle value of sidchas, I want to lower the bar on choosing what activity to base your sidcha on. Doing one or two sidchas means you can say no to all the others and know you aren’t missing out. Still, if you want to do an art-related sidcha, an exercise sidcha, a personal development sidcha, and so on, aren’t you missing out on others.[…] Keep reading →

Explore your passions to grow, develop, and to make your work art: My talk at Creative Tech Week

on May 4, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Visualization

My talk at Creative Tech Week Monday followed up my column, Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists (and Why It Matters), which explored how anyone can express themselves and learn and grow through their work if they search for their passions within. Here’s the video, just taken by a camera phone from the front row. It also refers to my Don’t Be Walter posts from 2013 about the Big Lebowski.

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