Search Results for: creativity

Can I pick your brain? … Daniel Gefen’s wonderful, funny, penetrating interview of consistency and greatness you can achieve

on April 28, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I wish I could convey how much fun Daniel Gefen and I had talking before the podcast. I think it comes out in the conversation. Beyond being fun, Daniel went into depth nobody has about something I long wished someone would—the motivation behind the burpees and sidchas. Most interviewers ask about what I do, less about why or the effects. Daniel delved into consistency and how much it can create[…] Keep reading →

How to Find Your Authentic Voice: The Engaging Leader podcast interview with Jesse Lahey

on March 24, 2017 in Audio, Leadership

Jesse Lahey, who runs the Engaging Leader podcast, led me in a conversation about leadership, how to behave more authentically. The conversation was fun, informative, and, I hope, engaging and inspirational. Jesse kept the conversation meaningful and valuable, at least to me. Listen to the podcast! Listen to the podcast! Here are Jesse’s show notes: To lead and influence others, whether as a workplace leader or as a thought leader,[…] Keep reading →

How to Turn the Knob of Leadership and Your Life: The Tanner Gers Interview

on March 21, 2017 in Audio, Freedom, Habits, Stories

I can’t say enough about Tanner Gers. He posted the podcast of our conversation today. We had a great time talking about life and doing things. A bit of a love-fest between two people who admire and respect each other. Before linking to the podcast, a few words about Tanner from his about page. If you’ve read Chapter 8 of Leadership Step by Step, you’ll see the connection this man’s[…] Keep reading →

How you learn is as important as what you learn, part 2

on March 20, 2017 in Audio, Education, Leadership

Today follows up last week’s post, “How you learn is as important as what you learn, part 1,” with the second part of my conversation with transformative principal Jethro Jones. Click here to listen to part 1 of that conversation. Click here to listen to part 2 of that conversation. The concept that how you learn is as important as what you learn is one of the fundamental principles behind[…] Keep reading →

How you learn is as important as what you learn, part 1

on March 12, 2017 in Audio, Education, Leadership

The concept that how you learn is as important as what you learn is one of the fundamental principles behind my change from teaching through traditional educational and coaching techniques that may challenge and develop students and clients intellectually, but stagnate emotionally and socially. Leadership, entrepreneurship, influence, persuasion, and much of human relations are fundamentally emotional and social. Not activating students and clients socially and emotionally deprives them of the[…] Keep reading →

How To Lead Better Through Practice: Watch a video with me and David Burkus

on February 20, 2017 in Education, Exercises, Leadership

David Burkus is a writer, speaker, and coach on leadership and creativity. A mutual friend put us in touch and he’s helped me with my book, coaching, and writing since. He’s also hosting the Work Smarter Summit, an online summit of speakers, interviews, teachers, and thought leaders. I’m one of the speakers! … That means it’s quality. Here’s a screen shot: My conversation with him is full of useful information,[…] Keep reading →

The One Way Ticket Show podcast: the American Revolution and Leadership

on February 15, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Leadership

Steven Shalowitz, host of The One Way Ticket Show podcast, posted yesterday our interview, “Josh’s one way ticket is back to this historic time in American history,” which covers the time in history I would choose to go to if I could magically go there with no chance to return, as well as Leadership Step by Step. Click here to listen! I find the show fascinating, as well as his[…] Keep reading →

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