Search Results for: burpees

Lifting weights in my 40s: strengths and weaknesses

on December 4, 2017 in Fitness

Lifting weights in my 20s made me tired that day and sore the next two, though I didn’t lift regularly or follow a program. Now in my 40s, lifting a couple times a week plus twice-daily calisthenics make my muscles feel tired all the time. … but I can do multiple sets of weights I couldn’t lift off the ground months ago. If I were against fitness, as most Americans[…] Keep reading →

001: Dan Pink, Conversation 1: When to act, full transcript

on November 30, 2017 in Podcast

Hi. This is Joshua Spodek and this is Leadership and the Environment. You’re not the only one who cares about your impact enough to act. You’re part of a global community undeterred by people saying, “If others don’t change first, then what I do doesn’t matter,” and other excuses. We’ve read the science. We can do this. This show is about personal responsibility, acting and improving your life by your[…] Keep reading →

Do it on your next breath

on November 25, 2017 in Habits, Tips

My LinkedIn post today, Do it on your next breath, started: The problem You know the feeling: you’re about to start something you want to do but is hard to start. It’s usually something like exercise, mopping the floor, starting a difficult conversation with a coworker, and so on. You know what you put off. Your mind makes excuses not to. Your eyes move around to find distractions. You don’t[…] Keep reading →

Struggling through woozy adversity

on November 23, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

Sorry to write about something unpleasant during a holiday about food, but the past couple days, I don’t know what I ate, but something didn’t agree with me. Sorry if you consider it too much information, but I consider it a part of life. My gastrointestinal tract was unsettled, keeping me up at night, forcing me to go to the bathroom a lot, so I only slept a few hours[…] Keep reading →

I’m going to watch a lot more TV

on November 17, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Fun with language Longtime readers may remember that most of my life I ate chips, pretzels, and ice cream almost daily. I felt helpless to stop. It was frustrating. A few years ago I switched to fruit, nuts, and vegetables for snacks. I’m never going back. I wrote about how I started calling a head of cabbage a bag of chips in my post How to eat a bag of[…] Keep reading →

The skill of starting habits

on November 10, 2017 in Habits,

A reader, Melissa Gaudart, wrote from Australia about starting habits, after reading about my one-minute wake-up habit. I thought our question and answer would be valuable for others, so here is her question: Great article and glad you’re waking up faster as there is a lot to be excited about first thing in the morning. I’m wondering if you’ve thought about how people can form and change habits instantly. This[…] Keep reading →

At 46, I have the fitness of an under-20-year-old. You can too.

on November 7, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I may sound like I’m bragging or humble-bragging, but I’m just sharing my results from answering the questions at a web page,, that an article in the New York Times, How to Age Well, linked to. It says that At 46 years old I have the fitness of an under-20-year-old. Old man still got it. So read it and weep, all of you who value fitness but don’t practice[…] Keep reading →

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