Search Results for: stand-up

This week’s selected media: February 25, 2024: Carmaggeddon, The Lover, Happy Fat, and Origins

on February 25, 2024 in Tips

I finished this week: Carmaggeddon, by Daniel Knowles: I bought a cheap used car after getting my first license at 15 years old. The experience led me to never own a car again. I knew that choice would force many later life decisions The summer after high school, when I was 16, a friend and I rode our bikes from Philadelphia to Bar Harbor, Maine and back. A couple years[…] Keep reading →

Radio: Hear Me On A Climate Change with Matt Matern

on April 11, 2023 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

I was invited to speak on sustainability leadership on Matt Matern’s radio show A Climate Change. I think he was surprised at some of my approaches or found them not like other guests, in that I focus less on technology and legislation in favor of culture and people. Click to listen to the episode Each week we talk about the environment and what we can do to make a difference[…] Keep reading →

The advice I shouldn’t have taken from a black friend on talking about race

on June 7, 2020 in Art, Stories

Context Before starting the Leadership and the Environment podcast, I gave a series of talks on environmental action at NYU—my first foray into applying leadership to the environment. By then I had experimented enough an practicing stewardship to have experienced the joy that it brought. I felt compelled to share my results and how to act on them. Every would-be leader of any renown I’d heard speak on the environment[…] Keep reading →

Here me on Stand Out Get Noticed from Australia

on June 14, 2019 in Blog

Christina Canters of the Stand Out Get Noticed podcast hosted me for the first time in a couple years in “Initiative: How To Bring Your Passions and Ideas To Life with Joshua Spodek.” Listen to the conversation. From the podcast page: Do you want to start a project but don’t have any ideas? Or maybe you have so many ideas you don’t know which one to pick? In this episode,[…] Keep reading →

Tastes Good versus Want More, explored in depth

on June 10, 2019 in Audio

I spoke at length on the concept I consider at the root of most major issues of our time: “Tastes Good” versus “Want More.” I explored the distinction in my post five years ago “Want to eat more” and “tastes good” aren’t the same feeling. When you get the “want more” concept, you see it everywhere. I see the industrial revolution as creating labor-saving devices. Teams of mechanical, electrical, and[…] Keep reading →

161: Katie Pettibone, part 1: Americas Cups, 81-foot waves, and protecting the oceans (transcript)

on March 28, 2019 in Podcast

Katie continues the line of world class sailing champions I’ve had the honor of interviewing for this podcast who’ve translated their athletic success to leadership in their sport, business and beyond. What’s success in Katie’s case? How about competing in three America’s Cups including being the youngest member of the first ever all female boat, two around the world races as well as the famed Sydney Hobart and Worrell 1000[…] Keep reading →

Moving Mountains with Sasha Laghonh

on July 8, 2018 in Audio

Sasha Laghonh invited me back to her wonderful Moving Mountains podcast, which just posted. I shared a few upcoming projects I haven’t shared yet. Curious to try open-mic stand-up? She asked me about my recently performing open-mic on a New York comedy stage (which I recommend). We also talked about the origins of my Leadership and the Environment podcast and the sports and acting stories that helped start me on[…] Keep reading →

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