Search Results for: sledding

474: Frederick Lane, part 2: Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation

on June 15, 2021 in Podcast

Frederick was a great sport in allowing me to explore working on a patterns that happens sometimes but that I had let slide before. We started talking about nature, then his commitment. About halfway through I noticed that his motivation to the commitment from his first episode didn’t seem to come from inside, which I believe led to him doing the task for extrinsic, not intrinsic, reasons, resulting in him[…] Keep reading →

474: Frederick Lane, part 2: Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation

on June 15, 2021 in Podcast

Frederick was a great sport in allowing me to explore working on a patterns that happens sometimes but that I had let slide before. We started talking about nature, then his commitment. About halfway through I noticed that his motivation to the commitment from his first episode didn’t seem to come from inside, which I believe led to him doing the task for extrinsic, not intrinsic, reasons, resulting in him[…] Keep reading →

This Sustainable Life Workshop

on October 18, 2020 in

GOAL Inspire visitors to act in the direction of living more sustainable at home and in their community–and enjoy the process–by providing stories, role models, images, beliefs, and community-making stewardship normal and attractive, not a burden or chore. AVATAR Decision-makers at private and organizations primarily in America and Secondary the rest of the world. WHY LIVE MORE SUSTAINABLY? Humans use more resources than the Earth can sustain, which will lead[…] Keep reading →

An attendee’s stellar review of my webinar: Life-Changing Habits Even (Especially) Under Lock-Down

on May 21, 2020 in Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

An attendee of my webinar, Life-Changing Habits Even (Especially) Under Lock-Down, wrote how it affected her life already (spoiler: positively, beyond expectations, and in areas she had plateaued). Read her email below. Below the email I link to her writing. So you can experience the webinar too, here’s the video of it: Dear Josh,  Thank you so much for your email and for connecting with me further. In response to[…] Keep reading →

My third TEDx talk: People Don’t Want to Do Small Things. They Want to Do Meaningful Things

on May 4, 2020 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

TED and TEDxConnecticutCollege posted my third TEDx talk (scroll down for my first two). I can’t express my gratitude for the organizers for the opportunity to develop and deliver this talk. The event was February 29, just as the pandemic was starting. I believe the pandemic only makes my message more valuable. People Don’t Want to Do Small Things. They Want to Do Meaningful Things. I consider it my most[…] Keep reading →

My keynote at My Green Lab’s Sustainability Summit (Sneak preview of my third TEDx talk)

on April 28, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

[EDIT (May 4): My third TEDx talk just went up. I recommend watching it.] I gave the following talk for My Green Lab‘s Sustainability Summit. I recommend watching it to the end. It’s based on my third TEDx talk, for TEDxConnecticutCollege, which TED is still editing but should appear soon. We’re probably all used to keynotes delivered from people’s homes, but on March 24th it was still new. The people[…] Keep reading →

My favorite posts

on September 5, 2017 in Blog

With thousands of posts, where do you begin? I recommend scanning the archives. Here are some favorites: My TEDx talks Book page: Leadership Step by Step Book page: Initiative Webinar: Life Changing Habits Self-imposed daily challenging healthy activities (sidchas) Burpees Cold showers Avoiding food packaging I swam across the Hudson River Podcast: Top downloaded guest episodes Podcast: 500: This Podcast’s Next Milestone Podcast: I lost $10 million on September 11,[…] Keep reading →

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