Search Results for: farm

Disconnecting from the Electric Grid in Manhattan: Ars Technica Reader Questions Answered

on February 9, 2023 in Addiction, Freedom, Nature

My story I disconnected from the electric grid for 8 months—in Manhattan became Ars Technica‘s top story the day it posted and the next. It also generated many questions and comments. I can’t answer them all, but I wanted to address the big ones, such as I’ll do my best to answer these questions, then return to the big picture of my goals in the experiment and reporting on it.[…] Keep reading →

Rodrigo Cámara Leret

on January 27, 2023 in Podcast

Rodrigo is a researcher of indigenous knowledge, its drivers and emerging macroscopic patterns at the University of Zurich. He is leading a radical new ecological project led by an indigenous Colombian community at The University of Wales Trinity Saint David as part of the first UNESCO BRIDGES initiative. This ambitious three-year project aims to restore an area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range in Colombia to its[…] Keep reading →

Read the photo-story on me: “A fridge too far? Living sustainably in NYC by unplugging” from the Associated Press

on January 26, 2023 in Leadership, Nature, Stories, Visualization

Katherine Roth interviewed me about unplugging my fridge and apartment from the electric grid and Bebeto Matthews photographed me cooking and putting my solar panels on my roof. Read the story and see the pictures at A fridge too far? Living sustainably in NYC by unplugging. I hope it helps achieve one of my main goals for this experiment: for a few people to say “You can do that!? I[…] Keep reading →

Do you want to leave the world better than you found it, really?

on January 21, 2023 in Nature

If you want to leave the world better than you found it, which will help you leave your legacy better: To inhale deeply on a cigarette and blow the smoke in a baby’s face or To fly somewhere on vacation? Blowing smoke in a baby’s face seems worse, doesn’t it? I bet none of you would do it. But flying hurts more babies more grievously. It pollutes billions times more.[…] Keep reading →

Beginning month 8 off the grid and *coincidence* year 12 of daily burpees.

on December 22, 2022 in Habits, Leadership, Nature, SIDCHAs

Today begins month 8 of my apartment disconnected from the electric grid. I’d wondered what I’d do as the weather got colder and days shortened. Now I passed the winter solstice so days will lengthen. The weather will still cool for another few weeks, but I may have passed the hardest part. It occurred to me I might just have to keep going for the year. We’ll see. It can[…] Keep reading →

647: Kris de Decker, part 1: Low and No Tech Magazine: We believe in progress and technology

on December 7, 2022 in Podcast

Kris created and runs what I consider one of the top sites online. It has influenced my behavior and expectations to enjoy living more sustainably, including unplugging my fridge, which led to unplugging my apartment, and start seeing that solar and wind aren’t sustainable any more, though we could make them more so. I’ve looked forward to connecting with Kris for years. In our conversation, he shares his transition from[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on the Carbon Sessions, from the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network, started by Seth Godin

on November 25, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

Seth Godin was one of my first podcast guests and I interviewed him at his home north of the city. He also endorsed my book Leadership Step by Step. He has huge followings who love his work. I know because at his home, I saw the huge piles of handwritten thank-you notes he received, all opened, all clearly read. He recently put out the word to his community that the[…] Keep reading →

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