Search Results for: farm

My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences

on May 6, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I meant just to list all my sidchas in my post Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom, but I made a mistake. I included standard operating procedures with sidchas. I didn’t think of the distinction. One is habits. The other is the best way to do something. I’ve written about sidchas. What about operating procedures? If there’s a better way and[…] Keep reading →

Impossible Burger Insanity Packaging

on April 12, 2023 in Nature

I avoid doof even when presented as helping the environment, but volunteering, a store was throwing away this product not because it had gone bad but because stores get rid of old inventory for new; I instead delivered to the community center for people to eat for free. The small question: why do they use more packaging than product if they claim part of their value is helping the environment?[…] Keep reading →

Top Sustainability Leadership Principles

on March 30, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

I’ve meant to collect the top principles in sustainability leadership, the things I say nearly daily and govern embracing living sustainably. “Nothing is more damaging to you than to do something you believe is wrong.” — Abraham Lincoln Systemic change begins with personal change. You tell me what you fear losing most and I’ll tell you exactly what you’ll get more of. You can’t lead someone else to live by[…] Keep reading →

Unsustainable things that we can either face must end or keep lying to ourselves and causing suffering.

on March 21, 2023 in Addiction, Nature

Remember that when you depend on something to the point of addiction You tell me what you fear losing and I’ll tell you what you’ll gain. Suggest stopping gambling to gambling addict and they’ll fear losing winning. But outside rare jolts of winning, they mostly lose. Stopping gambling will bring them more winning and less losing. Social media addict fear losing connection, but social media isolates. Stopping social media will[…] Keep reading →

Just finished another three-day water-only fast.

on February 27, 2023 in Fitness, Habits,

Years ago someone told me the first meal after a three-day water-only fast tastes life-changingly good. I’d heard of fasting then, but 1) didn’t think much of it and 2) thought humans would die after a couple days, even with water. But he didn’t seem like he was lying and I liked the idea of a life-changing experience that cost no time or money, rather would save them. In May[…] Keep reading →

Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom.

on February 25, 2023 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Freedom exists in structure. It’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. When I find something works in my life, I make it automatic. For many people, diet and exercise seem horror shows, or mysteries, wondering what they should do, how often, how much, and so on. When the most important bases of my life are automatic, I don’t have to think about them. I can focus on everything else. People might[…] Keep reading →

More Freedom From Their Greedy Mitts Getting Into All Our Business

on February 23, 2023 in Addiction, Freedom, Nature

I belong to Flight Free USA, which helps motivate people to avoid the wretched addiction of flying. I recommend joining and taking their pledge to avoid flying. You’ll be glad you did. I recommend reading the profiles of people who have pledged and found the joy, fun, and freedom of not flying. Their last newsletter inspired me to think of other initiatives to start that could improve people’s lives similarly[…] Keep reading →

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