There are few shoulds in life

on February 20, 2013 in Blog

Some advice sticks with you more than others. I still remember words a great friend of mine told me in college. I remember he said it while consoling me over a breakup with a girlfriend, which would have put it in 1989 or maybe 1990. Something that stands the test of time like that, I think speaks for itself. He said There are few shoulds in life. I’ve written at[…] Keep reading →

How to take risks

on February 13, 2013 in Blog, Leadership

I’ve written about my models for how to motivate doing things you aren’t good at. Such skills are important in many fields, but especially so in leadership. More than having to motivate yourself to do things for the first time, you often have to motivate many others to do things they haven’t done. One is my practice of having low standards the first time I do something, which motivates doing[…] Keep reading →

An Example of Great Parenting

on January 28, 2013 in Blog

Years ago I heard of a great examples of parenting I’ve heard of from one of the great people I’ve met in my life. Not having kids — merely the favorite uncle — I don’t know parenting firsthand, but I understand it’s challenging and related to leadership. My friend lives halfway around the world from me so I haven’t kept in touch with her. I can’t mention much about her[…] Keep reading →

Why labels and symbols don’t change things; and what they are effective at

on January 17, 2013 in Blog

Following up yesterday’s post, when I talk to people about something they judge, like torture, the topic that motivated yesterday’s post, some of them point out that once you decide something is torture or right or wrong, you can do something about it. People like labeling things because labels mean so much. If you don’t call a behavior torture, they think, people don’t know what it means. Once you call[…] Keep reading →

Instead of calling something right, wrong, good, or bad, consider the consequences of your actions

on January 16, 2013 in Blog

I just watched Zero Dark Thirty and read a bunch of stuff about torture. People often ask about morality and ethics — is such an action right or wrong, good or bad. Asking the morality of actions and behavior doesn’t change them. I don’t see categorizing, judging, and  labeling things helping. Calling something good, bad, right, wrong, etc does no more than label them (tomorrow I’ll write more on why[…] Keep reading →

The irony of my last two posts

on December 24, 2012 in Blog

I didn’t notice it until a few people wrote and called me about the awesome Vince Lombardi quote and I looked at the post on my front page followed by the previous day’s post on karaoke. So I wanted people to know that the irony, if that’s the right word, is not lost on me that I had back to back posts on one of the greatest coaches of all[…] Keep reading →

Thoughts on mourning

on December 17, 2012 in Blog, Nature

News from home comes slowly and filtered here in China. I know only the basic facts about the shooting in Connecticut. I saw Obama’s first speech on it, but little more. I don’t know much of what happened or how the nation is reacting to it, but I know people are dealing with death and grief. In all my communications on the subject, I’ve found the most helpful this passage[…] Keep reading →

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