762: Chef Andrew Bennett: Changing the Culture of Hospital Food

on June 21, 2024 in Podcast

I start my conversation with Andy with what brought me to him: the meal after recording with the guy who hired him, podcast guest Sven Gierlinger, and the Washington Post article that read like a paid ad for their food, Hospital food is a punchline. These chefs are redefining it. I didn’t record in my conversation with Sven how off-the-charts the food was because I at it after recording. Andy[…] Keep reading →

Another way we let technology make us dependent and unhealthy: Jellies, jams, and preserves

on June 20, 2024 in Nature, Tips

All humans until about a century ago lived without a fridge, as do many today. Coming up on three years with my fridge unplugged, I ferment a lot, and learn other ways to keep foods from going bad. Jams, jellies, and preserves were ways to keep fruits from going bad. Now that everyone has fridges and we ship produce around the world, we can get fresh fruit all the time.[…] Keep reading →

Simple Pleasures

on June 19, 2024 in Awareness, Tips

I keep thinking of little things that bring me joy and want to collect them in a post. I never start the post because I can only think of a few every time I post. I’m going to start the post with only a few and add to it. Sorry if you’re reading this when I just posted and have only three items, but I hope you enjoy cleaning your[…] Keep reading →

761: Dave Kerpen, part 2: Joyfully Skipping Donuts

on June 18, 2024 in Podcast

This conversation was brief, but covered the important points, particularly the challenges of changing habits. Dave didn’t do everything he intended, though I thought he succeeded more than he did. The goal of the Spodek Method isn’t to make big changes, though some do, but to share and act on intrinsic motivation relevant to nature and the environment. Just accessing intrinsic motivation at all can be a challenge in a[…] Keep reading →

Are liberals trying to prove conservatives right?

on June 17, 2024 in Addiction, Leadership

Last week I posted about Why many litterers are entitled and one way the most entitled justify littering. People, including poor and homeless people, justify littering and try to stop me from cleaning up litter. They say other people are paid to do it, so it’s okay and right to leave plastic cups and food containers on the ground, then walk way. The result: on pleasant days, my neighborhood looks[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, June 16, 2024: In My Time of Dying and The Law

on June 16, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: In my time of dying: How I Came Face to Face with the Idea of an Afterlife, by podcast guest Sebastian Junger: Sebastian and I have met a few times in Manhattan and become friends. His book Tribe influenced my book tremendously, in fact I read it the morning I unplugged everything in my apartment, beginning living off the grid in Manhattan. I was predisposed to[…] Keep reading →

Magnitude of suffering and death then and now

on June 15, 2024 in Leadership, Models, Visualization

I wrote recently in When changing fast is easier than slow about the growth in number of slaves in the United States based on a peer-reviewed paper From ‘20 and odd’ to 10 million: The growth of the slave population in the United States, by J. David Hacker in the journal Slavery & Abolition. That paper also reported the cumulative number of slaves in the United States. Before looking at[…] Keep reading →

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