Today’s greatest privilege: denying one’s personal contribution to pollution, depletion, plunder, and imperialism

on June 26, 2024 in Awareness, Nonjudgment

Liberals talk a lot about privilege. Conservatives, libertarians, and other political groups have their problems facing their contribution to our environmental problems, but liberals contribute as much. Their denial is through the roof. In particular, they throw around the term ‘privilege’ like it was candy. I think they think they’re silencing the people they accuse of it, but in a way the other person deserves, doesn’t realize, and benefits from[…] Keep reading →

Today in 1988: Global Warming on the front page of the New York Times. Today in 2024: Americans pollute more than ever.

on June 24, 2024 in Nature

Today in 1988, the New York Times front page headline said “Global Warming Has Begun.” Today today, Americans blame, rationalize, and justify, but pollute more than ever. They blame CEOs, companies, and politicians, denying and suppressing that they pay them to do what they do. We can stop if we choose to. It would mean valuing other people’s suffering over our convenience.

How what I’m doing feels, subway version

on June 24, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness, Models

Sometimes I feel like I’m responding to someone who fell on the subway tracks. No one else acts. I jump down onto the tracks to help the person to safety, but the person is morbidly obese and struggles just to lift themselves from the ground. They’ve decided to stop trying. “It’s too hard. It’s not worth it.” They resign themselves to the train hitting them. “As long as I can’t[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, June 23, 2024: Strong Towns

on June 23, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Strong Towns 101, by Strong Towns: Podcast listeners know I hosted Jason Slaughter, the host of Not Just Bikes, a video series I love. It’s one of my few subscriptions to anything. He refers to Strong Towns a lot. I finally dug in to their courses, so I’m not just learning courses on conservatism and their recommended readings. Regular readers may know I I helped get[…] Keep reading →

What I think of when I think of Taylor Swift and her jet

on June 22, 2024 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership

Is someone criticizing Taylor Swift’s flying lately? People talk to me about it all the time. In the past few days, a few people told me she was in the news for flying a few miles on her jet. Today, I turned the corner from Sixth Avenue onto Waverly and saw the scene below. I didn’t want to include identifying pictures so didn’t take it from their front, but what[…] Keep reading →

Limiting government and limiting pollution and depletion can overlap. Here’s how.

on June 22, 2024 in Tips

Want to hear what we should do to decrease polluting, depleting, and plunder? Milton Friedman’s advice on curbing government spending to reduce inflation applies: “A tough policy that takes courage.“ Watch this video, but substitute the following, So I hear: “Pollution is the most destructive disease known to modern society.” Instead of Substitute Inflation Pollution Economy Economy and people Employment/Unemployment More technology/Less technology He knows what has to be done[…] Keep reading →

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