This Week’s Selected Media: May 5, 2024: Man’s Search for Meaning

on May 5, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl: one of my favorite books since I first read it, probably in the early 2000s. I hadn’t read it in maybe ten years, which means since starting working on sustainability leadership. I find it more valuable than ever. It’s perfectly relevant to our situation today. The book led me to develop the approach to difficult times: “However difficult my[…] Keep reading →

Props to EcoFlow for improved solar panels

on May 4, 2024 in Tips

I think I can safely describe myself as a power user of portable solar panels. I: Carrying and using wears out anything, new technology even more. I chanced into EcoFlow when I bought a used power station of theirs from someone on Craigslist. I wasn’t looking to become a tester or influencer. I didn’t even know if I could use their equipment, let alone rely on it for all the[…] Keep reading →

Rain and clouds as far as the forecast goes. More challenges to solve.

on May 3, 2024 in Nature

I made it through January and February with 23 out of 25 days of rain, snow, and no clear skies. The days were shorter but I had roof access, so at least I could charge when there wasn’t much sun. Without roof access, bring the panels and battery to the park takes more work and time. The challenges of sustainability are less technology, market incentives, and legislation and more how[…] Keep reading →

How to fail at transitioning from fossil fuels

on May 2, 2024 in Addiction, Choosing/Decision-Making, Nature

First, let’s imagine solar, wind, hydroelectric, fission, or fusion were “clean,” “green,” or “renewable.” They aren’t, but for the sake of understanding, we’ll imagine they are, so if we transitioned to them from fossil fuels, society could live indefinitely on them. What Doesn’t Work Everyone is acting as if we can ramp up “clean,” “green,” and “renewable” energies until we don’t need fossil fuels, then we can ramp down fossil[…] Keep reading →

More Life-Changing, Inner-You-Revealing, Passion-Unleashing Magic of Initiative

on May 1, 2024 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Relationships

A month and a half ago I wrote about Eugene’s reflections on finishing the ninth of the ten exercises in my book Initiative in my post The Life-Changing, Inner-You-Revealing, Passion-Unleashing Magic of Initiative. He finished and posted about the tenth exercise at his blog: Method Initiative (Round 4) – Exercise 10: 10 Valuable People (And final Initiative methodology thoughts), and it’s as inspiring. Read the whole post for all he[…] Keep reading →

Cute dogs and delaying waste by reusing old tennis balls

on April 30, 2024 in Stories

I think I mentioned that cleaning out my dad’s basement led to discovering a few boxes in which he stored some of my stuff without telling me, so I found a bunch of things I hadn’t seen in some cases since the 1980s. It may be tempting for some people just to throw things away. Some of the things I found included tennis balls from when I took tennis lessons,[…] Keep reading →

What’s the opposite of a land acknowledgment?

on April 29, 2024 in Freedom

I attended an event last week in which the organizers began with a land acknowledgment. I’d guess most of you have witnessed one, though maybe not all. According to Wikipedia: A land acknowledgement or territorial acknowledgement is a formal statement that acknowledges the original Indigenous Peoples of the land, spoken at the beginning of public events. The custom of land acknowledgement is a traditional practice that dates back centuries in[…] Keep reading →

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