Category Archives: Creativity

My number one criterion for quality of a complex solution or something creative you’re developing

on June 23, 2016 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship

I’m thinking of solutions that are the starts of entrepreneurial projects, but the creative thing could be a work or art, something you write, something you perform, and so on. In my experience, the best indicator of how well a solution solves a complex problem is how many iterations it’s gone through. Solutions to simple problems may not need many iterations, but complex ones do and the more iterations the[…] Keep reading →

The Unmistakable Creative podcast interviews me

on June 9, 2016 in Audio, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Habits, Leadership

Listen to the podcast The Power of Experiential Learning with Joshua Spodek The Unmistakable Creative podcast just released its interviews of me. The interview covered leadership, entrepreneurship, education, and a bunch of my life and growth. Their lead quote from the interview: “No one who is learning to play a musical instrument, no one who wants to learn a musical instrument would ever take a class where they would lecture[…] Keep reading →

Explore your passions to grow, develop, and to make your work art: My talk at Creative Tech Week

on May 4, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Visualization

My talk at Creative Tech Week Monday followed up my column, Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists (and Why It Matters), which explored how anyone can express themselves and learn and grow through their work if they search for their passions within. Here’s the video, just taken by a camera phone from the front row. It also refers to my Don’t Be Walter posts from 2013 about the Big Lebowski.

Like creativity? Like technology? In NYC? … Come to Creative Tech Week this weekend!

on April 27, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Events

Creative Technology is transforming culture, design, and art with software, electronics and data. We are creating the premier nexus for creativity and technology worldwide. 9 Days, 100+ Events, 200+ Speakers, 200+ Partners, 25k+ Attendees. Creative Tech Week is a city-wide event week, with events going on in many different locations. Some are free, while others require a CTW Pass, and then others require additional registration or additional tickets. It’s organized[…] Keep reading →

Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame

on April 23, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Habits,

My article yesterday, “Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame,” begins Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame Today’s celebrities seek fame, trying hard to promote themselves. Prince was more dedicated to his craft and community, as his relationships showed. My first thought on learning Prince died was how my friends Corianna and Brianna, better known as Coco and Breezy, had been telling[…] Keep reading →

Op/Ed Friday: Science and technology does not equal innovation

on April 22, 2016 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Visualization

I came across the infographic below and disagree with how it categorizes innovation and how it draws its conclusions. It categorizes innovation by “marketable contributions to technology-intensive industries as award-winning innovators and international patent applications.” Then it concludes we should support STEM more. I agree we should support STEM more, to have a more educated population. They haven’t supported their conclusion at all. I consider myself innovative. With a PhD[…] Keep reading →

Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn This One Lesson From ‘The Martian’

on April 6, 2016 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship,, Tips

My Inc. article today “Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn This One Lesson From ‘The Martian’,” begins Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn This One Lesson From ‘The Martian’ Think The Martian was about solving technology problems? Those were the details. You missed the big picture that ties it all together. Though engineers and space aficionados probably loved The Martian, entrepreneurs had the most to love and learn. We got the[…] Keep reading →

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