Category Archives: Education

I don’t remember feeling this much passion for a project since co-founding my first company in the late 90s

on January 5, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I recently wrote how I finished recording the audio for the online leadership course I’m creating. I also posted about the leadership course I start teaching at NYU in a couple weeks. Both courses put into practice material that I’ve compiled for years, maybe a decade or so. This week I’ll start posting the interview I did with Chris, the other guy in the recording for the online course. I[…] Keep reading →

The value of technique in leadership

on December 30, 2014 in Art, Education, Exercises, Habits, Leadership

An actor told me about a time he forgot his line on Broadway in front of about a thousand people, some who paid hundreds of dollars for their seats. He was in his forties and had acted for decades. Still, sometimes you forget your lines. What do you do when a thousand people are watching you and you don’t know what to say? Most of us have faced not knowing[…] Keep reading →

My next seminar, January 12 at The Yard in NYC!

on December 29, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership

My next leadership seminar will be January 12 at The Yard, a premier office space and coworking community designed to support business growth whose environment promotes creativity, collaboration, and connections. Perfect for my seminar! If you’ve thought about attending one of my seminars, this will be a great chance in a beautiful space, conveniently located. Click here for testimonials.   HOW TO LEAD PEOPLE …so they want you to lead[…] Keep reading →

Particle Fever

on December 20, 2014 in Education, Nature

Do you miss an activity you used to feel passionate about, used to work hard on, but don’t do anymore? When you feel inspired, you work hard, sometimes very hard, often long hours, often sacrificing other things you would otherwise enjoy. Then when you look back you miss how inspired you felt. You’d rather feel that way and sacrifice again than to have free time or enjoy mild pleasure. You[…] Keep reading →

The Meaning of Leadership — the class

on December 18, 2014 in Education, Exercises, Leadership

NYU posted my course next semester: “The Meaning of Leadership.” I designed it to cover developing the fundamental skills of leadership as comprehensively as one semester allows. I expect many students to find it one of if not the best class they ever take. From the syllabus, the course description begins: The Meaning of Leadership will prepare you to practice effective leadership and teamwork in a variety of contexts—business, politics,[…] Keep reading →

You learn behavior through experience, not people telling you what to do

on December 15, 2014 in Education, Exercises, Leadership

Increasingly my answers to questions about certain topics are not to give information but to tell a process by which the person can find out the answers for themselves. I read a lot of leadership, professional development, and personal development books. Almost all tell people principles instead of how to learn things themselves. Principles sound great, but people who know the principles didn’t learn them from being told them, they[…] Keep reading →

The Model: the series

on December 14, 2014 in Awareness, Education, Exercises, Leadership, Models, Nonjudgment, Perception

[EDIT: I covered this series in more depth in Leadership Step by Step, so I recommend the book, but the core is here. I use The Model as a part of my life, basically daily.] Here is The Model—my model for the human emotional system designed for use in leadership, self-awareness, and general purpose professional and personal development—in series form. Click in the table of contents to the left for each[…] Keep reading →

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