Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

The Conscious Millionaire: How to Develop Effective Leadership Skills

on June 9, 2017 in Audio, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Podcast

J V Crum III hosts a podcast called the Conscious Millionaire. He helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs succeed. He also interviewed me and posted our conversation today. He and I have talked before and since and I like his mission and approach, which I’ve learned from. For example, he’s inspired me to include him in my Leadership and the Environment slide show for his using a diabetes diagnosis and vastly improve his[…] Keep reading →

My first guest “host” on a podcast: The Hidden Why, by Leigh Martinuzzi

on June 3, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Freedom

Leigh Martinuzzi hosts the podcast The Hidden Why. He posted my first solo audio recording. Listen to the recording! Listen to the recording! We met online, which led to speaking, learning each other’s work and interests, and talking about collaborating. I thought he might interview me. Instead he suggested me recording something for his blog by myself, which I consider harder. More than harder, I find it scarier to record[…] Keep reading →

The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: The First Recording

on May 28, 2017 in Audio, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature

When I get the podcast up and running, I’ll interview guests. I already have audio content, so I’ll post it now. In particular, I’m speaking on leadership and the environment Tuesday at NYU-Stern, 6pm-8pm. Register here to attend! I recorded myself practicing, so I will post that practice recording as my first podcast post. This page doesn’t look glamorous, but it’s a start. I’m also publicly showing it so you[…] Keep reading →

The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: It Starts Here and Now

on May 28, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature

Everyone wants a cleaner environment and recognizes human behavior is trashing it. We can’t stop ourselves because of the systems we created that make it convenient, comfortable, fun, and in nearly every way emotionally rewarding to pollute except that it’s against our values of leaving the world better than we found it. Only you know your values and what better means to you, but I’ve never met anyone who didn’t[…] Keep reading →

What will you fix the toilet for?

on May 25, 2017 in Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My Inc. post today, “What will you fix the toilet for?,” begins What Will You Fix the Toilet For? How much do you love your work? This simple question can tell you. White-collar workers Consider the banker, consultant, or other multinational corporate worker. He or she demands high compensation, business class travel arrangements, and so on. No one would think of asking them to do manual labor, let alone janitorial[…] Keep reading →

Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth

on May 24, 2017 in Awareness, Entrepreneurship,, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. post today, “Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth,” begins serious but connects it to entrepreneurship and leadership. It starts: Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth Two scientists report that this once-pristine paradise on Earth, now covered with plastic junk. Leaders and entrepreneurs can act. If you haven’t heard, you must have been hiding under a rock. Or maybe a piece[…] Keep reading →

Listen to me on The Entrepreneur Way podcast with Neil Ball

on May 22, 2017 in Audio, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Take the Initiative and Start Acting on Something with Joshua Spodek Founder and Owner of Spodek Academy Neil Ball is a fascinating, probing host of the podcast The Entrepreneur Way. We spoke recently and today he posted our conversation. The conversation covers more of my entrepreneurial background, lessons, and views than any podcast I remember doing lately, which was a refreshing change from focusing on leadership, though we talked about[…] Keep reading →

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