Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

See Fashion Entrepreneurs Coco and Breezy with Columbia Business School’s Alumni Club

on January 29, 2015 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship

Coco and Breezy Prince wore their sunglasses — from his album cover — on Saturday Night Live. Beyoncé showed them in her video. Vogue labeled them “fashion icons”. Rhianna, Serena Williams, and more wear their accessories, sold in twenty countries and growing, as well as at Find out how these twins from Minnesota started their brand in their teens … with a thousand dollars between them. I didn’t mention[…] Keep reading →

Influence and persuasion class starts Saturday

on January 27, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

This Saturday begins my class at General Assembly on influence and persuasion. Register here We call the class “Entrepreneurial Sales” because it teaches entrepreneurial skills and uses a model of selling for its structure, but it’s about broader concepts of influence, persuasion, value, and building relationships based on understanding others’ needs. I used to think sales was part of the business other people did—something low-level that used pressure and made[…] Keep reading →

New to the public: My Sales course!

on January 12, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises

If you think of used car salespeople when you think sales, you’re missing out on some of the most important skills and perspectives for life. Not just business, but any interactions with people. Sales also means proposing ideas, job interviews (selling your labor),  hiring great people (selling your organization), fund-raising (selling equity), and more. Approaching sales from a leadership perspective teaches you to influence and persuade to create long-term, productive,[…] Keep reading →

I don’t remember feeling this much passion for a project since co-founding my first company in the late 90s

on January 5, 2015 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I recently wrote how I finished recording the audio for the online leadership course I’m creating. I also posted about the leadership course I start teaching at NYU in a couple weeks. Both courses put into practice material that I’ve compiled for years, maybe a decade or so. This week I’ll start posting the interview I did with Chris, the other guy in the recording for the online course. I[…] Keep reading →

My next seminar, January 12 at The Yard in NYC!

on December 29, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership

My next leadership seminar will be January 12 at The Yard, a premier office space and coworking community designed to support business growth whose environment promotes creativity, collaboration, and connections. Perfect for my seminar! If you’ve thought about attending one of my seminars, this will be a great chance in a beautiful space, conveniently located. Click here for testimonials.   HOW TO LEAD PEOPLE …so they want you to lead[…] Keep reading →

My scientific and engineering view of coaching and teaching leadership

on December 1, 2014 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Models, Nature, Visualization

Science is the study of nature, looking for patterns, to predict results. For the moment I’m not approaching leadership with the institutional view of science with researchers applying for grants from the National Science Foundation to do double-blind controlled experiments for peer-reviewed publication, though I’ve had a few graduate students approach me to do research like that. Here’s a simpler view: science turns observations about nature into models and predictions[…] Keep reading →

Join Joshua Spodek’s leadership workshop, Saturday December 6 in Soho

on November 22, 2014 in Awareness, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I’ve been invited to lead a leadership workshop at a great location in Manhattan Saturday, December 6. If you like my material, want to lead better, and like the testimonials of recent attendees, come to the seminar. Below is from their announcement. Click here to register! “How to lead people so they want you to lead them again” by Joshua Spodek Saturday, December 6, 2014 10am to 5pm Soho –[…] Keep reading →

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