Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

I don’t mind if the restaurant industry shifts to home cooking and eating

on June 22, 2020 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Many articles lament the restaurant industry’s struggles with the pandemic. What’s so great about restaurants? Fewer restaurants doesn’t mean fewer jobs or business, just shifting them to other areas—people have to eat, after all. People would cook at home more, where they would eat healthier, connect with family more, and pollute less. I would probably like a restaurant from decades ago, when they cooked from scratch, not all so-called comfort[…] Keep reading →

Introducing Miko Lau’s 26 Days to Greatness Challenge

on May 30, 2020 in Entrepreneurship

As a longtime entrepreneur—having co-founded my first company in 1996—I like supporting new entrepreneurs. Few who contact me show genuineness and authenticity to match their aspirations. Occasionally one does. Miko Lau contacted me a few months ago with a challenge she gave herself to assemble 25 experts to teach a cohort including herself the best they knew. She contacted me about teaching the leadership part. While my schedule didn’t work[…] Keep reading →

285: How to take initiative

on February 3, 2020 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Podcast

“. . . but what I do doesn’t matter . . .” Regular listeners know I can’t stand this phrase. If you’re like most people, you want to act on the environment. You want to make sure you make a difference and fear wasting your time or doing pointless work. I felt that way before I started the path that led to this podcast. Taking initiative overcame it. I wrote[…] Keep reading →

TOMORROW: My webinar on Initiative with Columbia Business School

on January 15, 2020 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Events

EDIT: For some reason the webinar didn’t get recorded, but I gave similar webinars to Wharton and UChicago Business School alumni, which you can watch here. Free online, noon Eastern, Thursday, January 16. All are welcome to join tomorrow’s webinar I’m hosting with Columbia Business School on Initiative—based on my book. My similar talk at Google got rave reviews. Click to register I look forward to seeing you there. Click[…] Keep reading →

Everyone would love this nonprofit idea that would help clean the world

on December 5, 2019 in Entrepreneurship, Nature

The Problem: restaurants, stores, and hotels give away a lot disposable stuff that ends up in landfills—napkins, plastic cutlery, shampoo, ketchup packets, plastic bags etc. They feel they can’t stop giving these things away out of fear they’ll look cheap. The Solution: an independent nonprofit led by people who don’t support those industries that creates signs to put in each place suggesting customers use no more than they need. The[…] Keep reading →

November 1999 was a big month

on November 14, 2019 in Education, Entrepreneurship

This month is the twenty year anniversary of the big month of November 1999. Long enough has passed that I may mis-remember, but in November 1999, I Defended my PhD thesis Bought the Greenwich Village apartment I still live in Secured, with my co-founder, my first company’s first investment of $200,000 In other words, I finished the top degree in one of the most challenging fields, severed my ties with[…] Keep reading →

Dr. Pelè hosted me on the I GOT HAPPY podcast!

on October 25, 2019 in Audio, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Dr. Pelè is a bestselling author, musician, and host of the I GOT HAPPY Podcast, where he features the stories of highly successful executives, experts, and entrepreneurs. He is the Bestselling Author of Big-Ticket Clients: You Can’t Catch A Whale With A Worm. First, check out his page, listen to his music, read his story, and see how and why he’s spreading so much happiness. Next, see my episode, which[…] Keep reading →

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